Chapter 64 - Dance, Dance

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"How can you eat that?" a familiar voice asks.

I know instantly who it is. I know that snarky tone. It's Amber.

I look up and as she approaches. I am actually pleased to see that she looks even more out of place than me. She is wearing a skin tight crocheted fuschia dress. Her stick straight hair is parted on the side and hung down past her shoulders. She is sporting heavily smoky black eye make-up and a light shade of pink is spread across her lips.

She looked gorgeous, as usual.

And even though she is over dressed for the beach and way too made up, it doesn't matter because it suits her well. Amber is supposed to look amazing. It is expected of her. Anything less than stellar wouldn't fly in her book.

Justin stands next to her, munching on a s'more piled high with chocolate and marshmallows.

"What? This?" I ask, as I lift up my s'more.

"Yes!" she answers with total disgust in her voice.

"I love them. Do you want one?" I ask, as I shove the s'more up in front of her face before taking a large un-lady-like bite.

"Ugh, yuck! No!" she cries out.

"She doesn't eat chocolate," Justin answers with an amused smile.

"Or anything that isn't prepared by a well-trained professional," Amber adds.

"Since when do you not eat chocolate?" Josh asks.

"Since last fall. I'm on a new diet. But how sweet, Joshy, you remember that I used to eat chocolate."

"Yeah, well most people do consume a fair amount," he answers.

"You don't know what you're missing," I spit out. She just stares at me, with a look that is a cross between utter disgust and complete lust. I hate her and hope that by her seeing me with Josh, the guy she so clearly still has feelings for and eating something she refuses to consume, makes her totally crazy!

"I'll take that," Justin says, as he grabs a s'more from my plate.

"Hey, Josh," Travis calls out as he walks over and stands beside Amber and Justin.

"When are we doing this thing at Mango Tango? Kara works most nights and needs to know so she can get someone to cover her shift at the market. Unless we go Friday, when she's off. What do you think?"

"Friday? Yeah, that's fine. Is that okay with you Mila?" Josh asks.

"Friday is fine by me," I state.

"Perfect, we'll meet you there around 7. I'll go tell Kara she doesn't need to find someone to work for her. See you Friday!"

"Why are you guys going to Mango Tango?" Amber asks, horrified.

"What's Mango Tango?" Justin asks, in between bites.

"It's a bar!" Amber spits out.

"No it's not," Josh replies. "They serve food and play music too."

"It's a dingy bar!" Amber states blankly.

"How do you know? Have you been there?" Josh questions.

"No! You should know I wouldn't go to a place like that. That's not my scene," she hisses.

"Then how do you know what it's like?" Josh inquires.

"Oh, Joshy, I've heard people talk. Besides, why would you two be going there?" Amber asks, as she glares at me.

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