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There is a place that exists in the world where creatures once thought to be mere fictitious beings actually do live and breathe. They swim with the grace of a thousand tiny fish and possess the ethereal beauty most humans can only dream of. But they are not to be mistaken for an ordinary being. These creatures are anything but. They have the ability to kill with the sweet serenade of their voice and can drastically alter the life of anyone with just one glance.

They are called Merrin. They are half human half fish. Anyone who doubts their existence should be forewarned.

They do exist, as does the great Cerulean Bay.


June 16, 1993

I know that my days here with my father on Jalukka are numbered. I can feel it deep within me. My body no longer has the need for the necessities of this world. It craves something more. My veins burn with the thought of what is next.

I'm excited but so sad.

Sad for all that I will lose.

Sad for all that I will miss.

I will be starting a new life, a different life, and I know that I will never be able to return to this existence of my mine. I keep telling myself that it is fate or maybe even destiny. It helps ease the pain of knowing what I am going to be missing out on. Believing that my life is supposed to end in order for me to be reborn is what keeps me sane and pushes me forward each day. Otherwise, I do not think I could stand it. The pain is far too great and the torture is all too real. 


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