Chapter 42 - Baby Steps

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"What are you thinking?" I ask Josh as I sit in his lap on the white sandy beach.

He hesitates for a moment before speaking. "There's something I want to do, well try, but I'm not sure."

"What is it?"

"Are you up for it?" he asks cautiously.

I turn to look at him. "What?"

"I'd rather show you. Is that alright? If you're not comfortable, you can tell me, please."

"Okay," I say skeptically, unsure of what he is thinking.

"Okay," he repeats. He lets go of my waist and stands up. He reaches for my hand and helps me up next. I stare into his twinkling eyes for a minute. He begins to lean in close to me. My heart rate begins to pick up as I realize what this is all about. What he wants to do. He wants what I want. To be kissed.

From the corner of my eyes I can see him pull his red bandana out from the pocket of his black trunks. He rolls it up in a flash and then slowly covers my eyes.

I was not expecting this. I can't see anything except a sea of black.

"Can you see?" Josh whispers into my ear.

"No," I reply.

"Good. Are you sure you're okay with this?" His voice is gentle and filled with concern.

"Yes," I reply. I wish he would hurry this up. I desperately want his lips on mine.

I stand there on the sand, with the warm caribbean sun shining down all around me, waiting. Waiting for my kiss. I feel his fingers begin to intertwine with mine. I grow anxious with anticipation. He must be feeling the same way too, why else would he go to the trouble of blindfolding me and then waiting so long to kiss me?

I feel Josh take a step backward, away from me. If he is going to kiss me, he is going the wrong direction. I feel him take another step back, away from me.

He must really not want to kiss me, I think to myself in a panic.

Maybe I smell?

"Mila, take a step forward. Come to me." His words are soft and encouraging, so I do as I am requested. I take several small steps forward so that I am close enough to Josh that I can sense him directly in front of me.

"Now, Mila, I'm going to take a step back and I want you to follow my lead. With every step I take, I want you to come forward." I nod my head.

He takes another step backward, but this time I take a step forward at the same time. I have no idea where he is leading me, but I trust him completely and feel so safe with him near me. I don't question him, I just follow his lead. With each step back he takes, I inch forward.

Another back step for him. Another step forward for me.

Then it happens all at once. A cool sensation hits me hard. It starts down in my toes and quickly moves up throughout my body. I open my mouth in complete shock, but I am unable to speak or scream. I am speechless. I squeeze his hands as tight as I can. I try to retreat backwards, but my legs won't move. I am paralyzed beneath Josh's grasp. I feel him, holding onto my hands firmly, not letting me move away. I am stuck, with my feet submerged in the salty ocean water.

"Mila, are you okay? I'm still here. Nothing is going to happen to you with me here. I won't allow it. Do you believe me?"

I do feel safe. I know he won't let any harm come my way, yet I don't say anything. I remain quiet because I am furious. I can't comprehend why he would do this. Why would he trick me into getting my feet wet.

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