Chapter 47 - Swamp Thing

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It's dark. I can't see anything. I'm cold... so cold. I feel a frigid wind whip across my wet skin. I am drenched. Water seems to be hitting me from all directions. It is pouring down onto my body from above while simultaneously splashing up violently from below. My legs dangle vigorously with each thrust of the wind.

There is something gripping my torso. I start to fidget and move violently trying to figure out where I am and what is holding. Then I hear it. That familiar voice.

"Mila, it's okay, we're almost there," Josh whispers loudly into my ear.

Almost where? I want to ask but I can't open my mouth to release the words. I am too weak, too scared, too wet to do anything.

A loud roar rips through the atmosphere. I can feel it in my soul. It causes my eyes to flash open in an instant. I look around and then suddenly wish I hadn't. I am in Josh's arms, but we are in the middle of a violent ocean. I start to thrust around as I attempt to turn my body away from the terrifying sea and toward Josh and the land I can now see next to him. I wrap my arms tightly around his neck and bury my head into his chest. He tightens his grasp around me. I keep my eyes closed the rest of the way. I don't dare open them again until I know we are back on land.

Josh carries me in his arms until we make it to the Jeep. Once we are next to the vehicle, he places me down on the ground slowly. I stand there, in the pouring rain outside of the Jeep unable to move. I am terrified. I want to be far away from this beach and the storm's fury but the journey home is going to be long. The thought of traveling the curvy roads in this weather seems dangerous, but what choice do we have? I just want to be home and dry and warm.

I don't realize that I am crying until I hear Josh speaking loudly over the rain and wind.

"Mila, are you okay?" I feel his wet hands as they cusp the sides of my cheeks. "Everything is fine now. We made it back. You just fainted before. I'm so sorry. I lost track of time. This is all my fault."

He then kisses my forehead and lets his mouth linger there as he releases my checks from the clutches of his hands and intertwines them with mine. "I hope you're not mad at me. Please don't cry. I'm so sorry."

I'm not mad at him. How could I be? He didn't do anything but be my knight and shining armor. I am just terrified. There was so much water. And it was violent and aggressive. And even though we've left the beach and the ocean behind, the tropical storm is still present and still ferocious.

I wrap my arms around his neck and squeeze him close

"I'm fine," I cry. "Thank you." We stand there, embraced in a hug as the rain pours down all around us, until a loud rumble of thunder pierces the air.

"As much as I want to stay here with you, I think that we need to head back now. The storm is only going to get worse. I don't want your grandma to get mad at me. And besides look at you, you're freezing," Josh states.

What does he mean it was only going to get worse? How can it get worse than this? I instantly agree with the plan of departure and hop into the Jeep. He closes my door and then runs around to the trunk. He digs around for a minute, before scooting into the driver seat next to me. He hands me something green and fluffy and dry.

It's a beach towel. "Wrap this around your body, you're shivering." I do as he requests. "I don't know what I'll do if you get sick on my account and then I won't be able to see you!" Josh adds as he winks at me. I hold the towel around my body. I am drenched from head to toe. I feel as if I have just taken a shower with all of my clothes and makeup on.

Makeup? I forgot I was wearing any at all. I know that I more than likely look like a real living dead girl with my mascara running down my cheeks. I pull the visor down and open the mirror. I look worse than I thought. There are pools of black liquid underneath my eyes that are spilling down the sides of my cheeks. Patches of mud and dirt and sand are randomly scattered around my face. I look horrible.

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