Chapter Two |So It Begins|

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Keith wasn't drunk okay?

He was just...wasted.

"Shiro. Hey Shiro, I got to tell you about this guy," he slurred.

Yeah, okay, he might be drunk. But honestly it wasn't his fault. It was all on James. After they got to the bar, James challenged him and he never backs down from a challenge. It's like an unspoken rule.

"This guy Shiro I swear. He's like so pretty!" Keith leans on his brother as he speaks, a blush covering his face. "His eyes," Keith sighs blissfully. "They're this shade of blue that's in between midnight blue and sapphire. Like uh...I think uh...,"

Shiro smirks. "The ocean?" Keith beams up at him with a genuine smile. It was like his face was splitting.

"Yeah, yeah!" He laughs joyously. "Like the ocean. It's like really pretty. He also surfs like," Keith sits up and makes a noise while moving his hand up in down in ocean wave motion. "And his hair looks all crazy." Keith leans back into Shiro's side. Him and Adam share a look. Both smirk.

"So, you say his name is Lance?" Adam asks. Keith nods. "How do you know this Lance? Sounds very nice."

"I follow him on Instagram." Shiro and Adam glance at one another before Adam leans over Shiro to speak again.

"Anything else about this Lance?"

"Uhm...he uh- he talks really smooth," Keith confesses softly, as if he were a child. "Like a calm washing over you. I wanna meet him someday. But I'm a pop star so I probably won't find him." Keith breathes and his eyes slip closed.

Shiro nods, rubbing Keith's hair. He looks up and noticed Adam's grin as he holds up his phone. It was recording. Oh this was going to be good tomorrow morning.

"What time is it?" Adam speaks after he checks.


Kinkade gathers James in his arms. He was a rambling mess at his side. "We should probably get going." Shiro nods and puts a 50 on the table, picking up Keith grumbles and moves in closer to the warmth.

Once both drunk boys were in the car, they were off to the airport, their bags already in the trunk. They arrived and Shiro had to help Adam haul Keith on the plane. "Keith, buddy, please. Get on the plane."

"But don't wanna!" He whined, leaning back into Shiro, pressing all his weight into his chest so Adam couldn't pull him up the stairs.

Shiro sighed. "Do want to look at Lance some more?" Keith perked up. He looked back at Shiro, eyes wide and mouth split in a grin. He nods vigorously. "Then get on the plane." Keith does.

Shiro hands Keith his phone back and he goes straight to Lance's YouTube channel, Sharpshooter.

"God you're a child." Kinkade rolls his eyes. Adam and Shiro nod simultaneously.

"Well then, let's get this show on the road. To Cali!"
Keith was awoken at 12 o'clock in the morning so you can imagine what he felt.

"Adam, you better have a good fucking reason to waking me up," Keith growls as he uncurls from his seat and Adam smirks.

"Oh shut up. You won't do anything." Keith narrows his eyes, keeping down his yawn.

"And why is that?"

"Because if you do, I will post your drunken night all over insta and your little crush will be outed." Keith opens and closes his mouth while Adam's smirk widens.

"How...What- When did I tell you!?" Keith screeched, Adam laughing as their plane lands. He wiggles his eyebrows.

"You, James, challenge, and alcohol." Keith groans and the others wake up, Shiro coming in with a smile.

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