Chapter Fifteen |Broken Hopes & Lost Wishes|

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This is a long one. A gun will be involved and someone will be on the verge of death. This is meant to be emotional so I tried my best for writing emotions. There is a talk (like just barely) about letting themselves die.

This is the climax and from here things wind down. I was thinking a mini part two?? Maybe like the ups and downs of being with a popstar and things like that.

Maybe. Anyway, enjoy.

Keith grits his teeth and goes back inside. He grabs Adam and Shiro, pulling them along.

Allura and her uncle Coran, whom Keith has only briefly met, pull up outside the building.


"We're going to get Lance. And kicking James out the fucking band."

Keith shoves the both of them into the limo, not waiting for their answers. Allura walks over, concerned. "Keith wait. Let us help you. Lance is a hostage-,"

"I know that Allura. But I'm going to get him back." Allura purses her lips. She saw what Lance and Keith had. She thought she had it with Lotor. But this is different. Lance isn't Lotor and never will be. Keith has grown so much since meeting any of them and Lance has been a major part; he's made Keith open up, smile, laugh.

Without him, Keith is his old self again and everyone knows he'd rather be the Keith he is around Lance than the one he was before he met the surfer.

"Fine. But Keith please," she puts a hand on his bicep. It was tense. Keith looked up at her with widened eyes. "You aren't alone in this. I checked on Pidge and Hunk. Pidge won't stop looking for him, checking security cameras from anywhere and everywhere. Romelle has started a group already, setting out search parties. I for one am stretched. Lance had Pidge ask me to protect you."

Keith's eyebrows furrow.


"Lance got another call. He told them off and...," Allura takes a unsteady breath, and her eyes flick to the ground and her arms come up to hold herself. "He called Hunk and Pidge naturally. He must have been headed home when they were hit."

"But why would he protect me? K have enough security as is!"

"Keith, this person knew you and Lance personally. They must have. How else would they have known to go to your hotel? The public didn't know where you lived until after the crash."

Allura had a solid point. They threatened Pidge and Matt. Him too. They knew where he lived. He probably wasn't safe with his own security.

"...I understand Allura. I...think I know who took Lance. It isn't a proven fact but," Keith holds up his phone and shows Allura the text from Lance.

"Little Seashock?"

"Kinkade, the one with the drums, that was his hangout spot. He showed it to me and the boys after we got here. Him and James aren't here. James has had a problem with Lance from the beginning."

"Keith," he turns when he hears Adam. Both him and his boyfriend are looking at him through the rolled down window. "You really think it's James?"

"It makes sense though doesn't it? He never liked either of us. Whenever I went out, he had something to say. I've seen him around Lotor and Nyma too many times. All of them don't like Lance."

"You are right, but these are serious accusations Keith. Can you prove them?"

"I can when I get to Lance."
When Lance was awake next his body hurt. The pain on his ride side didn't feel too bad but his wrists hurt, like they'd been rubbed raw. His jaw ached because of what he was laying on.

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