Chapter Nine |Good Times Gone|

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There is a seizure in this chapter. I'll put STOP where it ends.

As always, there will be a summary of the skipped part.

Hunk gets a call from Lance the day the second day of lessons come around. He's asking if he can have to day off; wasn't feeling well.

He knows that is a lie. Lance never ever skips a day of being in water. He's like a land mermaid. He loves water. The ocean. Something was wrong but Lance wouldn't tell him. And it made him sad but angry. Didn't Lance trust him? Did he make Lance feel that he couldn't?

Whatever it was, it effected Keith too.

"Hey man you okay?" He had asked the guitarist when he came in. He looked so sad. Dadk circles were under his eyes.

"I- uh... no. I tried to call Lance a few times and he didn't answer me. I- I think he doesn't like me anymore."

Okay, now Hunk was worried. Lance never shuts up about Keith! He keeps saying he's cute, then goes through a whole crisis, ending with "oh wow, I like Keith. I like boys." So whatever this was, Hunk was going to get to the bottom of it.

"Keith, trust me. He's never shuts up about you. He said he wasn't feeling good today. Maybe that's it. I'll grab Pidge and we can talk to him later."

Keith nods and together they go the pool, class going on as usual. But it doesn't feel usual. Usual is Lance teaching half the class and Keith glancing over at him like a pining idiot. But he wasn't here.

Class ended and Hunk as promised took Pidge to Lance's house. It was silent. Hunk knew Lance's niece and nephew were at school, both their parents at work. His siblings were also at work, along with his parents, leaving him alone.

"Lance? Buddy?"

No response. He glances at Pidge worriedly, and she shares the expression. Together they go upstairs silently and from his room, they hear Lance.

"I'm not around Keith okay? Just like you said. I called in sick and I didn't go to class. What more do you want?"

From his phone maybe, Hunk hears a voice. "That isn't enough. Eventually, he'll come looking. Break things off. Stop being friends with him."

"What no- I can't!"

"Then you can kiss Matthew's job goodbye. And Pidge's project? Destroyed."

Hunk gulps and his eyes widen in alarm. He goes to enter the room but Pidge holds him back, shaking her head. She puts a finger to her lips. Listen first. Then they talk to Lance.

"Promise me you'll stop being friends with him. Say it."

Lance sounded heartbroken when he spoke. Like he was crying. "I-I pr-promise to- to...," Lance stops himself. Hunk hears him take a deep breath. "I promise to break things off with Keith."

"Good. Now meet me at the hotel. I want to watch you do it."

Hunk hears his best friend sob. He hears the beep of the hanging up of a phone so Hunk takes action. He bursts into the room and Lance turns to him, eyes wide.

"Hunk you shou-shouldn't be here-!"

Hunk hugged him tight, shutting him up. He squeezes the boy in his grip.

"I am so sorry." He says, tearing up. "You have had to deal with that for who knows how long. Lance why didn't you tell me?"

"Because then things would get worse. You probably heard everything. He has the power to destroy all of our lives. I'd rather he destroy mine than everyone else's."

Pisge joins in the hug, holding Lance tighter, pressing her face into his back. "Oh Lance. We don't deserve you. But Lance, we can't let this go on."

[This marks the beginning of the panic and seizure].

"No!" Lance tugs away, looking wide eyed at them. "No, if you get involved you'll just make it worse," Lance whines. Hunk feels terrible. Lance has had to go through this all alone, not being able to tell anyone, and he was determined not to let anyone interfere. "And then it'll be my fault. Everything is all my fault. He's right, I-I'm nothing. I did this-!"

Lance rambled more and more while his friends watched. Hunk's eyes widened when Hunk started to panic. "Lance, stop," Hunk steps closer and Lance closes his eyes, more tears gathering in his eyes. "Lance, please let us help you."

Lance's eyes roll to the back of his head and he falls forward. Hunk catches him but then, he starts shaking in his arms almost uncontrollably.

"Lance, Lance!"

Hunk lowers Lance to the floor, who continues to seize. He looks at Pidge, panicked. "Call 911! Now!"

Keith got a call from Hunk. He was in the middle of band practice.

"Hunk what's up," he says, glancing at Shiro and Adam.

"Keith, listen you need to get to the hospital now-,"

Hunk was talking to fast for him to catch up with. "Hunk, calm down. You're scaring me." Shiro eyes him worriedly.

"Keith please you need to get to the hospital, Lance he-he-!"

Suddenly, Hunk's voice is gone and Pidge is replacing it.

"Keith get to the hospital. Lance had a seizure."

Summary: Lance called in sick and Hunk was worried so he and Pidge went to see if he was okay. They heard him talking to someone on the phone and after he hangs up, they confront him. He starts to panic when they say they're going to help and eventually starts to have a seizure.

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