Chapter Fourteen |Broken Dams & Promises|

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Lance had a headache upon waking up the next morning. In a warm, comfortable, bed that wasn't his. He shifted slightly to get a better grip on the light pouring in the room when the heater behind him groaned. He tensed. Who was behind him? Where was-

The person grumbled this time.

Wait. He recognized that grumble. He relaxes into the hold he was in, comforted by Keith snuggling into his neck.

"Hey, you were a hassle last night." Lance chuckles and Keith kisses his nape.

"Thank you." Lance moves to sit up but Keith holds him down. He sighs and looks over at the nightstand. His phone and Keith's was there. "Oh crap," he leans over and grabs his phone. As expected, 13 missed calls from his mother then more texts. "Ma is gonna kill me."

"Mmh. No she won't." Keith said from Lance's side allowing Lance to finally sit up.

"Keith perhaps you don't know my mother well. I got drunk after coming out of the hospital, didn't come home or answer her calls. Face it. I am annihilated when I get home."

Keith laughs. He wants this. Warm mornings where Lance freaks out over stupid shit that don't matter. Not people who want to hurt him and Lance and everyone else. It was always better with Lance. He didn't want that to change.

"Your mom called me in the middle of me trying to wind you down. I told her what happened and she left it alone. She expects a call though."

So Lance calls his mother. They talk for maybe an hour before Lance wants to lay down again. "Babe. Where are you going?"

Keith smiled over his shoulder with a smile. It had been a little over an hour and Lance had fallen back asleep but Keith couldn't. So he watched Lance and maybe took photos.

"Sorry. Shiro just called me. We need to meet up for more practice. I'll be back hopefully in an hour or two."

Lance nods and sits up and covers Keith's back with his chest. Keith smiles at the affection. He can't remember the last time he felt this warm. Or this loved.

"See you later."

Keith stands after Lance kisses his cheek, and kisses his lips. "Stay as long as you want." Lance falls back into the sheets, curling up and Keith laughs.

After he leaves, he finds Shiro in the lobby with Adam and the others. "Nice of you to show up today Kogane. Where's your one night stand?" James. Of fucking course James will still be an ass. He sighs through his nose.

"My boyfriend  is none of your business. Where's yours?" He smiles and walks off. It was no secret James lost his boyfriend because of reasons he wouldn't tell anyone. After that, he didn't pursue love anymore.

James glares after Keith while Adam and Shiro follow with a disappointed glare to the both of them.

"Keith that was rude."

'Well tell it to that fucker-,"


"What?" He whirled on them stopping in front of the car, glaring at James still. "He insulted Lance, talking like he's my personal bitch. He's the one who's hated him and me from the beginning. I'm done with him and his shit."

Shiro goes to retort when Adam puts a hand on his shoulder. It's been building for years between them; the dam was bound to break eventually. He just hopes Lance won't get caught in the crossfire.
Lance was lounging in Keith's bed. Did he mention that Keith's sheets smelt amazing? Like cologne and pine maybe? Lance couldn't distinguish it but he definitely felt like it could be the smell at a campsite. S'mores, campfires, grass in the morning.

He sighed into the sheets, picking up his phone to scroll through Instagram. Work was canceled for him but he had to go in Saturday. After posting a photo, he got a phone call.


No please.

It's been three days.

But Lance can't stop himself when he presses a shaky thumb to the answer button.


"You made a damn promise Lance. Why didn't you go through with it?"

This makes Lance angry. What did this person have with Lance? He didn't know him; He didn't have to know him; he didn't have it make it his mission to make Lance suffer.

"Look buddy, I don't fucking care anymore. You made it your damn mission to make me lose my friends and it blew up at you. Don't get mad at me for that."

"Bad move Lance. Very bad move."

"How the hell do you know me anyway?" He growls. The person hangs up. Lance feels his chest heaving before worry sets in. What did he just do? Now everyone he loves is in danger. Just like Justin was.

Scared, Lance videocalls Pidge and Hunk through Instagram. "Please tell me your safe."

"Woah bud chill. I'm at home. Matt's at work."

"Me too. I'm with my sister and brother. Is something wrong?"

Tears spill from Lance's eyes before he can stop them. He sobs. Both his friends sit up, now worried. "G-Guys I mess-messed up."

"Lance did that guy call you again?"

Unable to speak, Lance nods. "I told him off and he hung up on me saying it's a bad move. I'm worried. Keith left for practice and I feel like they're going to attack him. Just like with Justin."

"I'll call Allura. She owns the studio they're at. I'll tell her to amp up security."

"Thanks Hunk." Lance smiles. He forgot what it was like to have friends. He forgot that they do care.

"Why don't you get home? Call us when you do okay?"


They hang up and Lance promptly gets dressed. He leaves the hotel and calls an Uber. It arrives and soon he's on his way home. He's just calming down when it happens.

A car coming from the right at the wrong time.

All Lance can remember is pain. He gasps in a breath and then opens his eyes. The car is on the side with the window next to him broken with glass littered across his lap. His whole right side felt crushed; his head hurt.

He heard crunching of glass and squeezes his eyes shut to work through the pain. Then when the door opens his eyes flick open. The person is blurry but he feels their hands helping them out the car.

He gasps out softly, pushing away from the stranger. "W-Wait. Get the driver." He pants. Lance may be happy he was saved but the driver still needed help.

"Sorry. We're only here for you."


He's punched in the face and then a bag is over his head.
They're in the lounge, hanging out. Practice ended early thanks to James having to "get some work done," taking Kinkade along.

"Keith," he feels a push at his side. He looks over at Adam who's pointing to the TV.

"Turn it up!" He hears Shiro. He turns and his eyes widen as fear settles in his throat.

"According to the driver of the Uber, him and his passenger, famous Influencer and YouTuber Lance McClain were hit from their right side by an SUV that seems to be missing along with the teen."

Keith's world stops.

Lance was hit by a car. And now he's missing.

"-pray for this young man."

Keith's up and out the door leaving Adam and Shiro behind.

He gets a text. From Lance.

'Little Seashock. Get here.'

Keith's heart gets stuck in his throat.
Only four other people knew about that place. Adam and Shiro are with him.

James and Kinkade...

are at Little Seashock.

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