Chapter Sixteen |Lose Me In Your Love|

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Keith felt like he was drifting.

Seeing Lance so broken was heartbreaking and yet so infuriating. He wanted to reassure his boyfriend with so many hugs and kisses but at the same time he wanted to just talk to him so aggressively about how good of a person he was and how he tried so hard and it wasn't his fault that the universe didn't care.

But he couldn't. Not yet.

He had to wait until after Lance was hauled onto a gurney, so silent and pale and bloody. He had to wait until after he got back to the hotel, moving silently to his room to shower.

And he found a cute little letter waiting.

'Hey babe. Sorry. Had to go home. Missing you always.
Sincerely yours,

Keith had sobbed into his hand and held the letter to his chest. He showered fast, eager to get to the hospital. Shiro charged him with called Lance's parents but instead he went over to their home.

"Mrs. McClain?" He sounded so small; he felt small. He felt bad for what happened. He wasn't there to protect Lance and it was his fault for catching Lance up in all his drama.

"Oh Keith! We saw the news. Is my baby okay? Is he?"

"He-he-!" Keith couldn't saying without crumbling. He was standing in their doorway, eyes glassy and stomach heavy. He sobbed and Mrs. McClain immediately shushed him with hugs and kisses. He felt so loved. His mother was gone so no one could give him this. It was nice.

And so he sobbed into the woman's warm and comforting chest that eased the aches of his heart. He found the courage to tell her what happened.

In the end, when he apologized profusely, she smiled, teary eyed. "Oh mijo. No, Lance wouldn't want you to apologize. He is hurt yes, but for you," she tilts his chin up and holds his cheeks. "He will do anything."

"H-How a-are you so sure?"

"My husband did the same for me. Lance's tío wasn't the only one in war. He was the one who survived. And I thank my brother in law everyday."

Keith gulps. Right. This was Lance. He didn't bounce back right away but if he put his mind to something he was going to achieve it.

She hugged him. Fiercely.

He choked up again. "Thank you so much for taking care of him and loving him no matter what. He deserves all the love, even if he doesn't understand yet."

Keith blinks before he gulps and hugs her back. They stayed like that, in each other's embrace before Shiro called and he had to go.

Mrs. McClain smiles as he left, and he waves. He makes it to the hospital at the same time as Hunk, Pidge, Allura, Romelle, Coran, Matt, Adam, and Shiro.

"Where's Kinkade?" He asks, to take his mind off Lance. He's sure to go insane if he sees him pale and bleeding out again.

"They hauled him off to a room to get out the bullet." He nods and sits next to Hunk. When he sees Pidge leaning on him, he reluctantly does so as well, his head falling on his shoulder and his arms coming up to wrap around his arm.

Hunk looks at him and Keith blushes in embarrassment. "I hope this is okay." He whispers. Hunk laughs and pats his hand.

"Of course."

Hunk was soft and it took mere moments for the last couple of hours to catch up to Keith. Soon enough he was sleeping on Hunk's arm, mouth open with queit snores.

It was hours before a doctor came out.

When he did, everyone jumped up, waking Keith. He looks disoriented until he sees the doctor. "So?"

"He's alive. And he'll recover. Slowly."

Everyone lets out and audible relieved sigh. The doctor shifts, looking to Keith. "We put him in a medically induced coma before pulling out the bullet and he is still under. We hope you will understand."

Keith nods. "Of course."

"Since he doesn't show much sign of waking up I suggest you all go home. Who do you want me to call in case his condition changes?"

Keith stepped forward and wrote down his number. "Thank you. For helping him."

The doctor smiles. "He's been around here a lot and helping the children. This is the least I can do."

Keith smiles back and the doctor leaves down the hall. Keith sighs and Shiro puts a hand on his shoulder. "Let's all go somewhere. Just to sit."

"Shores? There's these rocks that looked pretty cool a while back."

Pidge is silent but everyone agrees. Soon, they're piled into their cars and on their way to the beach. They were on the shore and as promised, Pidge led them to a set of rocks where the water slapped against the minerals.

They spent the day there, watching the sun and sky. Eventually, Hunk ordered them pizza and made them all eat. Sunset came faster than Keith expected but once it was there, Pidge and Hunk left. Not so long after Allura, Romelle, and Coran did too. That only left Adam, Shiro, and Keith.

Keith leaned on his brother who leaned on Adam, watching the moon rise. Keith was in awe of the glittering sea. "I'm going to show this to Lance when he wakes up." He says softly.

Even if it wasn't on what happened hours prior, Keith can't stop thinking about Lance. About his hair, mused when he wakes up, curly and wild; his eyes that seemed to sparkle with emotion. Mischief. Adoration. Happiness; his body. He was a dancer. He had the body for it. And even when he wasn't dancing, he was flexible; his lips. They were always a smile or a grin or a smirk. Keith loved kissing them. They were soft. Just like his face.

Everything about Lance was exciting for Keith. Grounding too. It just brought out something primal in him that could only be satiated by seeing Lance. By touching him.

It aches for him now; as he sits, watching where Lance loved to be the most. He still smiled though. Lance seemed to be doing that to him lately without even being around.

"I'm going to take him on the best fucking date ever."

"Watch your language but okay. I agree."

They stay there until their butts hurt, going back to the hotel for bed. He gets a call from Kolivan, asking if he's okay. He must have saw the news.

"I'm managing. Thanks Kolivan."

"Of course. I may be stoic but I care. Lance must mean a lot to you."

"Yeah. He's my boyfriend. I don't want him to leave just yet."

Kolivan laughs. Then he sighs. "I really am sorry about this Keith but did you get a song in progress? If you did, you can still stay for longer but I need to know."

"Don't apologize. You're doing your job. Thanks by the way. For making me take a trip here. It's what I needed. The song's done but I just don't know what to do afterwards."

"What do you mean?"

"James is gone thank God but his skills were helpful. How am I going to get someone like him back?"

"I didn't think of that. But I'm sure we will figure it out. I can begin looking if you want."

Keith thinks for a moment.

"Actually, no. I know who I want. Can I tell you later?"

"Of course. Good night Keith. I'll be praying for Lance. Me and my family."


Keith hangs up and then flops onto his best. Bizarrely, he laughs into the sheets. They smell like Lance. Water and sand and fruit. He sighed, holding the pillow Lance had used closer. He went to sleep that way.
In the hospital, specifically in Lance's room, the boy was still in a coma. His hair is pulled from his face, small wire like tubes connected and running along his bock. His face which was neutral, twitched.

His lips curled unconsciously into a small smile.

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