Chapter Eight |A... Slight Attraction?|

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If you told Lance's mother that her son liked boys as well as girls, she would have smiled and internally thought,

'Does he? Is he afraid to tell me?'

She likes to think her son didn't keep secrets. But it took him bringing Keith to their house for him to actually tell her what was going on his life. What else was going on without her knowledge?

And though she was in her late forties, she still climbed that ladder to her son's tree house to talk to him. She didn't expect to see them huddled close, Keith's head on Lance's, their hands cupped together.

They both seemed at peace but a mother knew when her child was not feeling okay. She's sensed it for days now, waiting for Lance to talk to her. But for now, she smiled, took a picture and left them alone.

Lance was an adult now but he was still young, working through his life. And she'll be there for him when he speaks up.

She just hopes it's soon.
Lance woke up with a crick in his neck. He groaned softly, moving but then realizing Keith was still sleeping. He sighed and blinked his eyes open, moving his hand to wipe at them with a yawn.

The sun was starting to set, casting the room in a golden radiance. They should go inside. He shakes Keith's hand with his own, clearing his throat to speak.

"Hey, Keith wake up," his voice was scratchy. Maybe from crying. He shook harder and finally moved his head when Keith stirred.

"Lance?" He mumbled and Lance's heart was struck with a sudden urge to kiss Keith. This boy was adorable, hot too but this moment was casting him in a different light. Literally. He smiles softly at Keith. He stayed with Lance, no matter what he said. Didn't say he was clingy or stupid or anything Nyma had said. He didn't care for what Lance thought and demanded to know what Keith was going through. That made him feel worthwhile.

"Hey sleepy boy. We fell asleep." Keith nods then yawns. Keith stands up, arching his back and stretching. Lance couldn't help but stare.

When both were awake and ready to go, Keith and Lance climbed down and Keith checked his notifications.

"Shit," Keith says under his breath. Lance looks over, concerned.

"Something wrong?"

"No. It's just Shiro being a big brother."

Lance frowns. He at least wanted him to stay for a snack. Oh well. They could talk later. Shiro must be really worried.

"If you need to go then go ahead."

Keith looked up sheepishly at Lance. "Do you want me to go?"

"I- no. But you've been here a while so you must want to go."

"Actually," Keith smiles, pocketing his phone and gesturing to the house. "I believe I promised your mother a snack?"

Lance smiles. So he wasn't tired of him. Not yet. He laughs lightly, rolling his eyes playfully. "Ok. But I must warn you," Keith raises a brow as they walk back to the house. "Snack time is hectic. You might not leave for a while."

And Lance was right. Keith had fun though. He met Lance's other siblings and niece and nephew. It was nice.

When Shiro called, it was about a half an hour later. "Hey Shiro," Keith was in the middle of shrugging his jacket on. Lance looks away from the TV.

"Keith! Oh my God where are you? It's been hours since you left."

"I feel asleep at Lance's. Sorry."

"You, fell asleep at Lance's house? For over an hour?"

"Is that a problem?" Shiro sounded confused making Keith confused. He glanced at Lance who hadn't stopped watching him.

"No! It's just when we first met, you didn't sleep for over an hour at a time. 45 minutes at max. And now, you're falling asleep on your own, at Lance's place. I'm just, shocked. I really think he's good for you, Keith."

Keith rolls his eyes but smiles nonetheless. "Yeah okay Shiro. I'll call you later."

"You better. Make sure you get back to the hotel safe."

"You say that like you're not there. Where are you?"

"On a escape with Adam. You know. The usual."

"Just don't fuck in a bathroom stall."


"Love you bye!" Keith hangs up and laughs. Lance perks up, shaken from his daze of staring at Keith.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing much. Just Shiro and Adam being horny for each other. Anyway, I have to go."

Lance frowns but understands. Keith spent his time here and it was time for him to ho home. It was nice having him.

"Okay. Let me walk you out?"


As they walk through the house, Keith smiles hearing Lance's family saying their goodbyes.

Lance closes the door and walks with Keith to the car. "Thanks. For being there for me. Means a lot."

Keith smiles. "Anytime. We're friends now. You can tell me anything."

Lance smiles. He forgot what that felt like. It was a constant pressure on him when he was with Hunk and everyone else. He felt pressed to tell them about what he felt, knowing they were going to judge. Being with Keith taught him that he was never going to judge. Ever.

"I know that now. See you around, sleepy boy."

"Am I sensing a new nickname?"

"You bet, Mr. Kogane. Now get outta here. You'll give Shiro a heart attack."

Keith smiles. When he opens the car, he feels Lance's hand on his.

Then there are lips on his cheek.

It's gone before he can process it and turns to Lance wide eyed and blushing slightly. Lance isn't looking at him but he's blushing too.

"Really," Lance smiles. It does things to Keith's heart, okay?  "Thank you for today. I needed it."

Keith's heart is beating so fast. He's so happy. Whether he likes Lance or not, he wants to be by his side. That won't change.

"It's really my pleasure. See you around loverboy."

Keith gets in the car and it drives off leaving Lance alone. He sighs wistfully.

Just then, his phone rang. He takes it out and answers without looking at the number.


"Someone surely sounds happy."

He perks up at the new voice. He turns away from the street, a sense of dread settling his stomach.

"Who are you?"

"Someone who knows your past. Someone who doesn't want you near Keith."

"Listen, I don't know you, and I don't know what your problem is-,"

"You, Lance McClain are the problem. Keith's distracted by you. Stop seeing him or there will be consequences."

Lance's breath is trapped in his throat. He gulps.

"Oh and don't go to the police. Or anywhere."

Tears start to build in Lance's eyes. He doesn't bother to wipe it. Why does this always happen to him? What did he do? He never asked to meet Lotor or Keith. He didn't ask for this.

"Have a good night Lance."

They hang up but Lance's hand stays held up. He gulps, wiping his eyes. He finally pockets his phone and sighs.

What was he going to do now?

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