Chapter Six |An Unknown Beat|

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The rest of the night went off better than Keith expected. After going back inside he was introduced to Shay, the girlfriend Lance mentioned.

When it was time for the three to go to the hotel, Lance gets out to talk to Keith. Adam and Shiro drunkenly stagger into the hotel.

"So...," Lance has his hands in his pockets. Keith smiles at the boy's shy state. "Did you have fun?"

"Me? I had fun, yeah. Hunk singing was the best part. Man does he sing when he wants to."

"Told you so. He's awesome."

"Yeah. Compared to that song in the car? Nothing." Lance grins up at the stars. He sighs. Keith could stare at him all day. He wants to.

"This is going to sound do terrible but um, can I get your number?"

Keith snorts. Lance was always confident in what he's doing. Minus those moments when he met Lotor, he's never seen him so shy and quiet. He decided he liked it.

"Sure you can have my number. Got your phone out?"

Lance's eyes widen. He fumbles for his phone in his pocket making Keith laugh. He finally finds it and hands it to Keith. He quickly types it in and hands the phone back. Lance smiles, typing in a name.

"And what are you changing my name to?"

"Mullet. If my siblings find out they'll make me bring you home to interrogate you."

Keith smiles. Lance smiles in return, seemingly proud of making him smile. "So, see you around then, Lance."

"Yeah, maybe this Friday? I want to show you around since you know you brother and Adam got drunk and uh, we didn't do that." Keith blinks slowly. He did not think about that. More time with Lance does sound fun though. Maybe they can go out to eat again too. He does choose the best places.

"Of course. Goodnight."

Lance smiles and waves, turning to leave. He gets in the car, and drives away. Keith waits until he turns the corner before going inside.

He spots James but does everything in his power to ignore him as he walks by but, James Griffin likes to make things really hard.

"Keith, buddy," Keith growls under his breath and turns. "I want you to meet a new friend of mine."

Lotor. Of fucking course. Lotor was an ass, James was an ass. But the bigger question is, what is James planning?

"I heard you two met and so I thought I see what this guy was all about. Did you know he and an music producer went out? I think her name was-,"

"Allura. I know. I don't care. Bye."

Keith kept things brief. He turned to walk away when Lotor spoke.

"Yes, you know of my deed with Allura. But what about Lance, hm?" Keith stops. Lance? What did Lotor do with Lance? Did they date? No. Lance hates him. Plus, isn't he straight?

He slowly turns, taking the obvious bait, glaring at the two. "What are you talking about?" Lotor, who was inspecting his nails, looked up with a grin.

"Oh? Me and Lance's past? It goes deeper than what I had with Allura. Might want to ask Lance though. You two are friends right?"

Keith growls and turns away. He doesn't need to look to know that him and James are smirking like they won. He goes up the stairs, passing his brother's room and choosing to ignore the... noise coming from it.

He sighs and slams the door to his own, falling onto his bed. His opens his phone and smiles at Lance's little message.

'It's Lance.'

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