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The following day, it was just full of thoughts for takemichi . So many things were confusing to him as he ended up being friends with Mikey.

What was more confusing was how to get the 2 gang leaders not to meet. Sighing from the thoughts he heard something in the hallways.

"What school you bastards from?! Get the hell out!" Few students yelled at the person who intruded the school.

Suddenly the door slide opened to reveal the one and only.... Mikey. "Hey, there he is." Mikey spoke as takemichi was once again comfused. "Huh?"

"Come play with us. Takemichy!" Mikey spoke as Draken and Y/n were outside waiting. "U-um, we're in the middle of class right now..." the teacher spoke.

Takemitchi knew this was crazy, but stepped out either way, just to be revealed of the third years all thrown and beaten up.

"A-ah, our third-years...um, what exactly am I looking at here?" Takemitchi asked.
"Huh? This? they pissed me off, so me and Y/n hosed them." Draken nonchalantly said as Y/n just smiled happily.

'And Y/n? Just how powerful is she to hosed them all up with Draken?!' Draken then asked all of them to line up by their stomachs in a straight line.

After that Draken and mikey stepped on each 3rd year from their backs meanwhile Y/n just walked next to takemichi.

"Hey Y/n join the fun behind us ." Mikey said while hopping on each student. "Eh I'm good here." She said.

"Apparently Udagawa's crew is trying to gain control of Shinsen." Draken mentioned to the two friends. "Cool. Let's go kick their asses." Mikey smiled.

As Mikey was talking to takemichi, many students were piled up together looking at them as they speak. "Well, let's go." Mikey said but then hinata came.

This indeed this surprise takemichi. "Who're you?" Draken asked. Takemichi explained he couldn't hang out with her today, but suddenly Hinata slapped Mikey which surprised everyone, made Draken irritated, and made Y/n surprised of the tea.

Hinata then grabbed takemichi arm so she would take him instead of them. Draken came up to Hinata as irritation showed up his face.

"Hey, don't make me kill you, brat. You slap him outta nowhere and now you're peacing out? Who the hell do you think you are?"

As they both were talking Y/n was next to Mikey who just stood there looking at them. "That slap sounded nice. Worse that mines?" She questioned him with curiosity as he smiled.

"Nope. That was a third of your strength. Never again want to remember what happened last time." Mikey said as he remembered the time he had gotten slapped by her which sent him chills.

They both then heard yells as they heard the conversation. "Aw. And I thought we could be friends. Now the question is... How do you want to die?" Mikey glared at takemichi as he walked towards him.

"Just promise me... just promise me one thing. Don't ever lay a finger on Hina!" Takemichi proclaimed as everyone was a bit surprised by that.

"What? Like I care." Mikey said as he was going to punch him until... "JK!" Mikey smiled to him while he was scared and confused.

"Jeez, you're so gullible, Takemitcy. Like I'd ever hit a girl. Take dear Y/n as an example. Knowing her for a while now, I've never disrespected her in any way so how could I hit a girl?" Mikey smiled to him walking to the main entrance.

Wrong reality: Manjiro sano (Mikey) x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now