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The next day was when Emma funeral was happening. But due to Izana death as well, y/n told Mikey beforehand that she was going to pay her respects and leave right away as she had to also pay respect to her older brother.

No one knows what type of ceremony was being held for Izana, but all Mikey and draken knew was that y/n personally didn't want the word to go out. They understood perfectly fine and didn't ask for more details.

During the ceremony you went up next to pay your respects for Emma. You then turned to Mikey and his grandfather to pay respect as well for him.

But by the looks to them, you seemed overly exhausted and numb. It was understandable as well since you didn't lose one, but two people important to you.

You bowed down to them one last before you got up and left. Mikey grandfather nodded for you to leave. As you exited the place you walked up to the person who was waiting for you.

"Are you ready y/n?" Kakucho asked as you nodded. As you guys walked it was a calm, but sad silent from the both of you. "So you're Izana best friend right? He's told me about you." You told him as a small smiled appeared his face.

" I guess you could say that. I'm glad he told me about you. Hopefully good stuff as well."

"Don't worry. I know you're a good person and seeing what you did for izana, I have your full trust. I'm glad at least you survived." After saying that, it felt wrong to say it which made you feel bad.

Kakucho can noticed you were deeply hurting seeing your expressing and the dark bags under your eyes. It might've been only months of you and Izana having a reunion, but he could tell the relationship between you guys were strongly connected.

"Izana told me stuff about you as well. Even before you met him." He said as you noticed he stop his walk to this entrance of a building.

"Here. When we were young, he mentioned you a lot. He always wanted to reunited with you, but due to his circumstances with his biological family he couldn't do anything, but write you letters as you got older. Even when he got in fights, he always thought of you which made him more energetic in a way." He said looking at the door.

Hearing that made you a bit happy. "So this place... is where you guys played together a lot when you were younger?" You asked him which he nodded.

"This place brings a lot of good memories with us two. And what's why I'm putting this here." He bent down to put one of Izana earring on the snow.

"That way he'll be part of the memories here forever. And this one is for you." He said if hint you the other earring.

You were a bit shocked seeing how he actually managed to have both of them. "Shouldn't you be the one to keep this? You truly were by his side for the longest." She said trying to giving it to him but he pushed it back to her shaking his head.

"Even if we were, Izana always mentioned meeting you in any way. He cared for you more than me. Keep it. Besides he's your brother. I'm sure he'll want you to follow his steps or maybe even become someone bigger." You felt a rage of sadness hearing how Izana really had a deep love for you.

Maybe the future with both siblings and all her friends would've been good. She didn't realize was how her tears were falling. She sighed as she closed her eyes to pay her respect to him.

Kakucho saw her doing her prayer which made him think something. "As promised, I'll take care of your sister like she was my own. This will be a promise for you Izana. She's just like you as well. Well hearted and maybe insane, but I see a future for her. Rest well." He whispered the last part as you finished your prayer.

Wrong reality: Manjiro sano (Mikey) x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now