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A month later Takemitchi was all rested up and had decided to start his plan to get his members back. He already had one member down so now the next person he's going for was chifuyu.

After a little talk, chifuyu ended up accepting as he also resigned his job to join. Takemitchi had called you to meet up with them as you guys went for a walk.

"On one condition! Thousand winters" chifuyu smiled while you and Takemitchi were confused.

"Huh? What's that?"

"The new gang name. Sounds cool, right? He said while your has just dropped. "Boy I know you fucking lying-" you couldn't even finish As Takemitchi covered your mouth quick.

"Thousand winters? What does it mean?" Takemitchi questioned.

"A thousand winters. It's my name."

"Chifuyu that's a bit..." Takemitchi now realized what you meant as he found it a bit... embarrassing.

"I've thought of a logo too. I've been keeping it in my head for a long time!" Chifuyu said excitedly while you both tried to stop him.

"Hey you really didn't really have to plan out a logo either." You nervously laughed as you nudged Takemitchi for some help.

"Cmon give me a break!" Takemitchi ran up to catch up with chifuyu as you followed. "It's payback for how much of a selfish ass you were. And for you y/n for leaving me alone for 2 years!" He exclaimed as you gasped.

"Eh? But the name is too long and its hard to say out loud..."

"Yeah more like embarrassing to say out loud. Also don't blame me leaving you alone. It wasn't my fault I was stuck in juvie for 2 whole years!" Chifuyu turned around as he glared at both of you.

"Takemitchi your ass. Y/n stay with your friend kazutora since he's now your good friend." He said leaving.

"Now who told him I was friends with kazutora?" You eyed Takemitchi as he nervously laughed and walked faster with chifuyu.

The next day you all were to meet up at inupi shop as Takemitchi already recruited hakkai.

Making it there you sat down next to hakkai seeing they haven't started yet. "'Please help Mikey.' Draken entrusted me with this. I will fight kantou manji gang. Thousand winters is a team with the same goal. Please will you join our team, inupi-kun."

There was going no back now. He was very serious about getting everyone back on the team.

"You don't have to ask!" Inupi got up smiling to Takemitchi. "This is why I chose you."

"Alright then! Now that's settled with. Y/n pay attention to." Chifuyu said as he pulled out a shirt with a determined face.

You and inupi just deadpanned at him seeing the shirt. "From today on, inupi-kun and y/n are members of thousand winters. Please wear this!"

"... ah hell naw." You said as chifuyu turned to inupi instead. Inupi responded by spitting on the shot as chifuyu panicked.

"Aaagh!!! Why would you do this inupi-kun!"

"There's no way I'll wear something as lame as that." Inupi walked off as chifuyu glared at you.

"I mean... it's cute? But to fight with that on mmmh. Sorry I'm with inupi on this one. Bye bye." You walked off as well until Chifuyu pulled you back.

"Too late. Once you're in you can't get out. Now y/n the easy way or the hard way!" He said holding the shirt.

"I'm not wearing that! I just can't!" At that moment chifuyu sighed as you knew he was up to something.

Wrong reality: Manjiro sano (Mikey) x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now