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As y/n was still in the hospital, draken decided to leave as he knew Mikey wanted to have a moment with her.

"Soo...you feeling better?" She asked him as he looked confused. "I should be the one asking you that. Why wouldn't I be fine." Mikey laughed.

"I mean you had a whole breakdown last night from what draken told me." She side eyed him seeing him a bit embarrassed.

"Hey! I thought you weren't going to bring that up!" Mikey yelled in embarrassment while y/n just laughed. "Mikey it's okay to cry. Even boys cry. It's just showing you've been holding a lately. But sorry for making you cry. That's probably something i can't cause you to do." She smiled as Mikey had a smile on his face.

"It wasn't your fault. To be honest it was unexpected for you to show up, but of course kazutora would take advantaged since he saw." Mikey Remembered the event that happened yesterday making him anger.

"Are you able to forgive him?" She asked him concerning earning a look from him. "He killed my brother and Baji. He even almost killed you yesterday. How am I able to forgive him."

"I think you should." She told him honestly. "Why should I?" Mikey questioned. "I feel like kazutora might had a problem back then with something that might've affected him of choosing sides. He was also a founding member of Toman. I know I can't speak on your behalf since you've gone through a lot cause of him, but I have a feeling he's going to change while he spends his time in Jail." As y/n explained, Mikey listened carefully in how she explained the situation.

"Are you able to forgive him for what he did to you?" He asked. "Yeah. I couldn't hear clearly yesterday, but it seemed like he regretted what he did and didn't have anything towards you as he was turning himself in. If he apologized, he will end up having a good character change in the future. But still what the hell. I did i even do to get stabbed, I'm just a bystander here." With that Mikey eyes widened knowing she was right.

"I guess. If you're able to forgive him... then I will as well." He softly smiled. "Good. Now come here." She said spreading her arms.

"Why?" He asked confused. "What you mean why? Just giving you a hug since someone was being a cry baby yesterday. Just letting you know I'm doing better." She smiled widely which couldn't make him turn back.

He got closer to her as she closed the hug. Mikey felt comfortable even though she was in the hospital bed injured. "Now are you feeling better knowing I'm okay?" She asked as she didn't let go.

"Yeah. Much better now." He smiled as he hugged her for a little longer. "So what about kisaki?" He asked as she quickly looked at him. "Oh naw I say let it die!" She said cheerfully as Mikey just sighed.

Weeks later Takemitchi had called y/n over to his surprise he caught something. "Dude why are you calling me. I was actually having a nice dream for once." Y/n struggled to walk as she made her way to him.

"This is going to break your heart." He said sarcastically hitting his chest pointing at Emma who was hugging Mikey.

"You do know-" as suddenly she heard Takemitchi panick. " it's Armageddon man!!" "Indeed. This smells like a scandal... my dear Watson!" Hina spoke out of nowhere.

"I realized I hadn't heard from you lately. Is this What you've been up to?" Hina told him as naoto greeted them both.

Takemitchi was surprised seeing both of them at the same place he was currently. Naoto explained they both were shopping and ended up spotting both of them.

"Anyway! There's no way that Emma chan, who would do anything for draken kun... would ever stoop to like this. There must be a some reason behind all this. Isn't that right Takemitchi!" Hina told him while he just agreed.

Wrong reality: Manjiro sano (Mikey) x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now