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She was a bit confused in seeing Izana at this time here, but felt pretty delighted to see him.

"Y/n! What's surprise to see you here." He smiled as she walked up to him. "I can say the same thing. What brings you up here?" He questioned.

"Nothing. I just wanted to come up here. Brings old memories. But what about you? I don't think I've ever seen you bump into this area."

You knew the area quite well, as you sometimes had few people faced memorized of the amount of times you've seen them.

"Well.... I just need to clear my mind off stuff. A lot of things are going to happen in the future. Things might turn out well since i do have powerful people by my side." He looked next him seeing her confused about what exactly he was talking about.

"Let me guess. You're planning on fighting with another gang?" She questioned as he sighed.

"Seems like it. Things just happened to take a turn these days. But not to worry of course. Your big brother is pretty much strong in these situations."

You sighed as you looked at the sky now seeing what he meant. "Don't get hurt." Was all she said.

"Hmm? Of course I won't. So don't worry about it." He looked at her to see she was actually being serious. "It's not a saying. It's a warning.  The way you're putting it sounds like it's something big. So whoever your fighting must have someone powerful."

"You're not wrong. There's someone I'm looking up to fighting. But that's something you shouldn't think about. Everything is going to be great. After that we can go somewhere to hang around. So what do you think?"

You didn't know why, but something about him saying that made you feel like it might as well
Turn out good, but in the other hand, you felt like your guts were telling you something else. And your guys were usually right, but you wanted to ignore it hoping it was just a mistake.

"Fine. But you got to pinky promise me that. Okay!" She said extended her pinky as he giggled it off.

"Sure. I promise to not get hurt. Happy now?" He asked as she nodded. "Good. Now, are you planning on staying here all night, or going home?"

"Maybe I'll stay here for a bit more." She said leaning her head to her arms as her arms were  landed on the edge of the wall. "Well I'll stay as well then."

And with that both siblings ended up talking about everything they wanted to tell each other. You found out how your parents abandoned him, which made you feel upset, but he said everything was okay now, that's why it was a secret for you to not tell your parents.

Little days had passed as there was a meeting which for the first time, Mikey told you not to attend which made you concerned.

Usually Mikey looked up to attending the meetings, but now was different. It was more of Mikey making less conversation with her as well with draken as they didn't tell her who or what people they were fighting Tomorrow.

"Is there something I'm not suppose to know?" She questioned Chifuyu and Takemitchi as they sat next to in a park as the meeting had been finished.

"It is pretty strange that Mikey is acting this way. For a fact Mikey lov-" Takemitchi Quickly covered Chifuyu mouth before saying anything.

"What he trying to say.... is that Mikey and you are almost Inseparable with each other. So I guess it is kinda shocking to hear that he's not telling you anything lately."

Actually Takemitchi didn't find it shocking. He felt sorry towards her, but he made a promise to Mikey to not tell her anything about the big fight. Including the peoples' name involved.

Wrong reality: Manjiro sano (Mikey) x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now