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And so as chifuyu and Takemitchi had ran into a "certain problem" with a gang they haven't met yet, y/n on the other had had decided to stroll around as she decided to be alone.

Walking around, she realized she wanted to spend some alone time as she hasn't had that for a while, but of course it didn't went her way.

"What In the clickity clackity fickity fuckity sickity sackity bippity bappity is this fucking shit.... LEAVE ME ALONE BLONDIE! DRAKEN GET YO CHILD!" and you might be wondering, 'why the hell are we yelling like this in 7 in the morning?' Well basically you of course wanted to go out by yourself, but Mikey insisted that with him tagging along it would be better.

"Cmon Mikey let go of her leg, we got no time for this." Draken said nonchalantly watching once again his two friends fighting. "Just because I'm smaller than ken-chin doesn't mean he's my dad! And you... I'm tagging along end of story!" He said which caused your irritation irk to pop up.

"Mikey get your damn arms off my legs right now."

"Or whatttt. What is ms. L/n gonna do here?" And as those sneaky words came out, draken sighed as he knew he made a mistake in coming along with Mikey today. "I just wanna go home."

Y/n by then had quickly elbowed Mikey head which seemed to work really well because Mikey had slowly fallen to the floor. "How could you y/n... you betrayed me!" He said sarcastically as he rubbed his head.

"Anyways I'm off. I'll see you guys later." She said happily waving at them. "Y/nnn! Come back! What happened to us? What happened to our memories together!?" Draken just sighed as Mikey continued on rambling holding him back while y/n left.

You weren't gonna lie as you were used to hanging out with draken and Mikey often, but of course there's just times you want to focus on yourself more often.

As you made your way to the park you saw someone familiar as they were sitting alone. "Oh it's you." She said surprised as he turned to her.

"Oh hello there again. What a surprise to see you here." The anonymous boy said as she smiled to her.

"Didn't think we would bump into each other again." She smiled to him as he nodded. "Well now that you're here why not sit next to me, there's space." He offered as she examined him.

"Now how can I trust you?" She questioned as he just laughed. "No worries, I'm not planning on hurting you or anything." You weren't sure at first, but something about him made you feel as if you've already trusted him long ago.

"So what made you come here today?" He questioned. "Just wanted to spend some time alone. What about you?"

"I just came from meeting a friend you can say." Y/n was noticing something about his jacket as it had a symbol on the back.

"Say...." He looked at her as he noticed her looking at his back. "You're wondering about the symbol on my back right?" She nodded as he smiled.

"It's something important to me."

"So are you the leader?" She questioned as he looked concerned. "Leader?"

"Leader of the gang. I can tell you know." The boy wasn't surprised for some reason which he didn't mind.

"Correct. You're very smart to know about it."

"I have my ways." She smiled. Throughout the day both have seemed to get along really well which they never focused on the time flying by.

"You remind me a lot of someone." She told him as looked at her. "And who could that be?"

"My brother. I remember he described himself to me in a letter, but the thing is that he never told me his name. And by his description you fit him perfectly pretty well. How odd." She sighed.

Wrong reality: Manjiro sano (Mikey) x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now