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After all the commotion in the meeting, everything seemed to calm down as for Takemitchi was having a hard time to figure things out with Baji.

But as he was thinking about situation, he had suddenly bumped into chifuyu who had explained the whole situation with what Baji was actually planning.

As for the two of them discussing it, they both decided to pair up to help each other for what they each wanted. Later on that day they both had decided to visit osanai who also confessed that kisaki was taking advantage of him, just for kisaki to be innocent.

After meeting up with Baji, Takemitchi decided meet up with y/n as for chifuyu to join to get her opinion of the stuff.

"So Baji really isn't planning on coming back to toman then." She said questioning about the situation.

"I actually thought he would spy for us, but instead it was just all in my imagination." Chifuyu sighed.

"Even if it were your imagination, I would've believed it as well. But there's a meeting tonight and I have a feeling Mikey might say something childish for himself." She told them as they looked at her with a questionable face.

"Childish? Him saying something like that in a meeting is new but not surprising. What makes you think that y/n?" Chifuyu asked.

"Think about it. Baji and him go long back together. That means Mikey is very fond of Baji friendship. They might end up throwing fist at each other, but he would never want to hurt someone that means a lot to him." Takemitchi and chifuyu had suddenly realized that y/n had a point, but still weren't sure if Mikey is willing to say something childish in front of the Toman.

"Chifuyu. You think y/n can join us, as she can help us with the things we're hoping for?" He questioned chifuyu as he received a nod.

Takemitchi had then explained why him and chifuyu decided to join forces in which benefited them both.

"Sure! I have nothing else much to do either. Whatever happens, I'll need to know as well partner." She smiled as she shook chifuyu hand.

"Will do partner! I'll see you guys later then at the gathering." Chifuyu waved off.

"Are you planning on telling him about your time travel?" She questioned Takemitchi as she sat next to him. "I'm not sure. Should I tell him?." He said as he had a lot in mind.

"Chifuyu is a very trustworthy person. In fact he's actually a very kind person. Him and Baji are also good friends which was why he didn't do or say anything when Baji punched him to get into Valhalla. He truly cares for Baji just like Mikey does. You should tell him, but just not now." She told Takemitchi.

"Alright. Wait y/n! Are you going to the fight tomorrow?!" He suddenly got up looking at her but she shocked her head.

"Remember? I'm not allowed to join or go to the fights. How come?" She asked him to see him frowning. "I died again in the future again didn't I?" She questioned him.

"Hang on a second! Mikey-kun killer Kazutora? No way... Mikey-kun would never kill anyone!" Takemitchi banged the window not believing what draken said.

"Can you say for certain that if you were in Mikey position back there, you wouldn't have killed kazutora? That guy killed his brother. And on that day, Baji was killed in front of him." Draken told him as Takemitchi was taking it hard to believe.

"Both of them... died..." Takemitchi asked while draken sighed. "It wasn't two. Three had died. Kazutora also killed y/n right in front of him." Draken looked down as he remembered the scene.

Wrong reality: Manjiro sano (Mikey) x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now