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"You shook my hand by mistake?! You need to take this serious!" Naoto yelled at takemitchi hearing that they accidentally touched hands back then.

The next day went by, naoto and Takemitchi were trying to figure out what more has changed in the future.

"So we're back in the beginning?." Takemitchi sat down sighing that nothing much has changed.

"If only Draken were alive..."

"Are you talking about Ryuguji Ken?" Naoto emphasized as he started to search in his computer.

"Yeah. Did you look him up?" Takemichi got up as naoto agreed. After reading the newspaper they found out that there was a fight in a parking lot that, in which someone died.

"Oh wait there's more in another article..." naoto scrolled through the article to read more.

"A group of members from a gang had attacked a middle school girl in a hide out in which she defeated few, but ended up being servilely hurt and stabbed in the lungs. As she made it to the hospital with another boy of her age, it was declared that she didn't make it out alive." Naoto read.

"A girl? Does it say who name it was?" Takemitchi asked as he got closer to the computer.

"Seeing here... it says Y/n L/n. Does that ring any ideas of anyone you met back then." Naoto questioned as he looked through this computer.

"Y/n... where have I heard that From." Takemitchi put some though to it until he realized.

"Y/N L/N! That's Mikey and Draken close friend! Mikey usually brings her around wherever he goes, but she's someone who comes up with the plans in the gang." Takemitchi suddenly remembered about Y/n.

"Wait so she was killed too? Could it be the same gang that attacked Draken back then?" He questioned.

"There's a possible chance that It could be them. Since they killed Draken, maybe they weren't satisfied and wanted more revenge." Naoto explained as he looked for the date.

"Says here she was killed on September 24. So not long after Draken death. Why would they kill her too?" Naoto questioned.

"It doesn't make sense. Y/n usually with Draken and Mikey so they could've help her. But she's only alone when she has to work on something for them." Takemitchi puts in a lot of thought as he can't think of any reason.

"Still doesn't explain why. We need to find out how they both died, and then, on August 3rd, you'll save Ryuguji ken. Then on September 24, you'll have to save Y/n L/n as well. But that have to wait later on. That is your mission this time." Naoto explained the plan.

"Sano Manjiro apparently changed after Ryuguji's death. Sendo Atsushi committed suicide because he feared Kisaki Tetta. After Y/n death Sano Manjiro had completely lost his mind showing no mercy to anyone. And because Toman became brutal and evil, they killed Tachibana Hinata, my sister. If this mission is successful, we should be able to save all of them." Naoto fully explained what they knew so far.

"Draken, Y/n, Akkun... and Hina." "Yes."
With that they both shook hands as Takemitchi ended up going back to the past.

Meanwhile Draken, Mikey and Y/n were meeting up with the other gang members before Takemitchi shows up.

"And I thought I trusted you... Y/n." Mikey said as his tone was with anger. "You should've never trusted me in the first place. Now look what we have to deal here. We've could've solved this one way or another hours ago, but since you want to be stupid about it, look at us now." Y/n faced him as she smiled with no empathy.

"I guess we're going to have to solve this in the hard way. Prepare yourself for whatever is going to happen and don't cry if you get hurt dummy." Mikey said as he step forward.

Wrong reality: Manjiro sano (Mikey) x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now