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"Say Mikey where are we going?" Y/n asked as she walked next to Mikey. "To Takemitchy's place. I wanted to talk to him about something." Mikey said serious.

"Don't tell me you brought me just to accompany you again." She looked at him seeing him grin.

"Correct. Also I can't just leave you alone at the hideout so of course you have to come along so I can watch over you." He smiled as he rubbed her head.

" you're treating me as a child even though we're the same age Mikey. I'm capable to look over myself you know?" She said as she took his hand off.

"Well of course I know that, but I just like your company." Mikey said. "Coming from the leader of Toman, I'm very honored sir." Y/n bowed sarcastically.

"Don't sir me now, just call me by my name." Mikey deadpanned. "Here we are." He said stopping at a house.

Right when they made it there, they saw Draken coming out the house with Takemitchi.

"Huh? The hell are you doing here? Mikey asked irritated seeing that he wasn't the first to make there.

"What? What the hell are you doing here with Y/n." Draken talked back looking at the two people in front of him.

"We came to see how Takemitchy's doing." Mikey responded. "We? Who's we? I came Cause you told me too. No offense Takemitchy!" She smiled at him.

"None taken." Takemitchy laughed nervously said. "Well, so did I." Draken agreed to Mikey.

"Huh? Takemitchy's my friend. Who asked you to butt in? Right, Takemitchy?" Mikey told him.

"Huh? What the hell are you talkin' about? You're my friend, aren't you, Takemitchy." Draken argued back.

"If you're taking my friend Takemitchy, I'll get to keep Y/n as my friend." Mikey said as he pulled her to him.

"I have no idea what's going on, but I'll just pretend like I do." She said to herself as she just gave them a lazy smile.

"Eh?! Now that's too far. I've known her longer than you, so she's MY friend." Draken pulled Y/n arm while Mikey pulled the other one.

Takemitchi and Y/n just kept staring at them back and forward in how they kept arguing.

"I'm not even a object." She sighed to herself giving up, as they kept pulling her back and forward.

"Out of my way, beanpole. I can't get by." Mikey said pulling y/n back to him. "What? You get outta my way, shrimpy." Draken talked back once again.

"Shrimpy? Shrimp in height or shrimp in-" before she could finish her sentence Takemitchi quickly covered her mouth.

"W-wait a sec! Wait a damn second, you two!" Takemitchi said as he took his hand off her which caught both their attention.

He tried convincing them to stop, but got
Pulled by Draken. "Hey. Who the hell do you think you are?" Draken got up to Takemitchi.

They both then saw Mikey walking away from them. "I have five options right now. 1) Slide to the left? 2) slide to right? 3) Crisscross 4) take a step back or 5 )cha Cha real smooth.....Eh i'll just do option 4 ." Y/n said getting away from the three of them being in her own world.

Mikey suddenly threw a bicycle at Draken, but ended up dodging it. Takemitchi was panicking more and more seeing his stuff getting damaged, that he was in full rage.

As that kept going on Takemitchi couldn't take it anymore. "You guys...cut the shit!"

"What?" Draken and mikey said looking at Takemitchi. "My precious memories... you just ruined all of them!" He said causing Mikey and Draken to look around their surroundings seeing things broken.

Wrong reality: Manjiro sano (Mikey) x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now