Authors Note | Y/n Hatori Get To Know

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Hi reader, the fact that you reader, yes you, are reading this makes me happy. This is my first fan fic of hopefully many soon to come and what better way to start it off then with a Bakugo x reader. I really hope you enjoy this book as much as I am sure to love writing it. Please do write comments I love reading them on others fan fics they are always funny and make me smile. Sorry you are probably sick of my babbling so I'll get into the description of y/n.

First Name: y/n
Last Name: Hatori
Age: 16
Gender: Girl
Status: Alive [But dead on the inside 😔 RIP]
Quirk: Portal

Mothers Name: [Satan. Jk...] Layla Hatori
Mother Status: Alive
Mothers Quirk: Quirkless

Fathers Name: Unknown Hatori
Fathers Status: Unknown
Fathers Quirk: Time Control

You most likely know these but just in case here ya go;

Y/n = your name
F/c = favourite colour
E/c = eye colour
H/c = hair colour
H/l = hair length
S/c = skin colour
N/n = Nickname
F/f = Favourite food
F/d = Favourite dessert/drink

Y/n's Quirk;

Portal. When quirk is activated y/n's hair becomes really long like mid calf to ankle length, and eyes glow white. Y/n can teleport objects too and from her as well as teleport her self through her hair. (So she essentially pulls stuff out from her hair like a portal) She can not teleport big objects or other people YET. She also discovers other stuff about her quirk as the story goes on, if you want to know what it is then I guess your gonna have to keep reading. 😉

Quirk Limitations;

If y/n over uses her quirk, her body will ache and kinda glitch every once in a while, more explanation about the glitch will occur later in the story. Will become light headed again part of the explanation. Y/n is only able to teleport things that she has previously seen assuming they are still in place, if not then what ever is in place is what she pulls out. If you concentrate enough you can see where y/n will teleport to since it's a portal there has to be an opening for her to come through. (Idk if you know the game portal where there is a blue and orange portal, essentially like that but her hair is point A) but since she moves so fast it's hard to catch where point b is.

A Little About y/n Hatori;

Y/n is a very stand off person and finds it hard to trust people. She is respectful when she chooses to be but doesn't care what people think. She will voice her opinion if seen fit too but will ultimately avoid contact with people. She shows no emotion or will put on an angry expression to show she is not to be messed with. Y/n has a tough exterior even though all she wants is to be loved and appreciated. If she is comfortable with certain people, she will let loose a little but don't expect it to be a lot. Sarcasm is very frequent in her vocabulary and is her answer to everything or to hide everything [👀🫢] Y/n is quick witted and will stand up for others, only if she wants to that is. Y/n has acted emotionless for so long that she has almost forgotten how to actually have any feelings other then pain and show any other emotion other then blank or anger. But this helps hide all her secrets. [Aaaand best actor award gooooes tooooo... Y/N]

This story will change from 3rd POV to y/n's POV as well as Bakugo's POV and maybe others but they are the main ones.
Also Y/n will be joining 1-A a little after the Overhaul Ark in season 4?
I may add comments here and there throughout the story, if you don't like that then to bad you don't have to read them. To know that it's me talking I will [put the speech in italics and brackets and bold.]

Ok I think that's everything from me, SO ON WITH THE STORY...

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