Chapter 16 | "Motherly Love"

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✨Time skip to Sunday morning brought to you by Aoyama's sparkle✨

Y/n's POV

It's 5am, I'm up and already in my sports gear dreading having to see my mother today. I'm in my sports gear because knowing mother, we will be training all day and she is probably looking forward to beating me to a pulp too.

 I'm in my sports gear because knowing mother, we will be training all day and she is probably looking forward to beating me to a pulp too

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[This is what you're wearing, if you don't like its Fine by me wear something else. Credit belongs to owner I just found it on Pinterest.]

I threw on a long hoodie over the top knowing I'm going to need it for on my way back to the dorms. I pull out my first aid kit from the back of the bottom draw to my dresser, I take some disinfecting spray and 2 rolls of bandages placing them in my small back pack. I grab my keys and purse, I leave my room and head down the elevator to exit the building and start my 1 hour walk to hell.

"Where are you off too Hatori?" Jirou asks just before I walk out the door and gaining some of the others attention.

"I-I'm heading to... uh my mother's..?" I say kinda like I'm asking, I still don't know if she deserves me calling her Mum/Mom because of everything she has done as well as some unanswered questions I have.

"Tch. That didn't sound convincing nerd." Bakugo scoffs at me.

"Well, I am heading to my... mothers house to train."

"And how do we know you are not going to run away extra?" He slightly raises his voice.

"Aizawa has given me permission to walk there, he knows exactly how long it takes to walk to her house, plus my mother will let him know of my arrival." I explain as the man spoken of walks in the room to see me off.

"Hatori." I turn to the shaggy man as he nods to the door. I nod to him and speed walk out the door. 'I'm off to see the demon, the awful demon of heeeellll.'

✨Time skip brought to you by Shinso looking like a kitten in season 5✨

I gulp back my fear as I knock on the red wooden door of my old "home". The door swings open, my mother standing legs apart, fire in her eyes, an evil toothy grin painted to her face and hands balled into fists. She moves her hands and I flinch only to notice she was gesturing for me to come inside. 'This is strange...' the door slams shut behind me as I grip onto the shoulder straps of my bag.

"It's about damn time you showed up brat." She stares down at me trying to get a reaction out of me, which she isn't going to get. She looks to her phone and texts someone who I assume is Aizawa-Sensei about my arrival. "Backyard now!"

I walk to the backyard that's already set up with and open area for quirk training, punching bags and a flying laser robot like those from Star Wars for combat training. I place my bag down and take off my hoodie as well as tying my h/c hair into a high pony tail. [If you have short hair then pin it back or do half up half down]

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