Chapter 26 | Lucius

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3rd POV

You and Bakugo start slowly stripping your clothes to swap. The closet was dimly lit and only small so you guys were pretty close and both your backs were nearly touching. You cross your arms in front of you to grab the side of your shirt and pull it up over your head. You flip it inside out before holding it above and behind your head in front of Katsuki's face. You feel him tug it out of your hand and wait for his shirt. "You don't know how tempting it is to just push you out right now and humiliate you." Bakugo brakes the silence.

"It's not like you haven't done that enough to me or anything of recent." Sarcasm was all you could hear in the tone of voice you gave. Bakugo proceeds to take his black skull shirt grabbing one sleeve and pulling it over his head in a flash. As he handed you his shirt the same way you did to him you felt something crawl over your feet causing you to jump back into Bakugo. "Oi what the heck?" He turns around forgetting that you were both half naked. You felt his movements and also turned around and both your chests were pretty much squished together.

"I think there's a rat in here. It crawled over my feet. It felt bigger than a spider." You try to keep eye contact knowing you both had made a mistake. You still had to flip his shirt inside out because he didn't do it for you. Bakugo's eyes glance down then quickly up to the ceiling. Quickly you hold his shirt up to cover your breasts and turn around again. The blonde couldn't help his eyes moving on their own again but to your back watching every back muscle move as you pull on his shirt covering up his view. 'Why the heck do my cheeks feel warm?' He turns back around pulling your shirt on that fit tightly around his torso and leaving his toned lower stomach uncovered.

You take your dolphins shorts off and thought it be funny to drop them on Bakugo's head, which he wasn't real happy about. [Dolphin shorts are comfy booty shorts pretty much] Katsuki holds up the garment wondering if he would even fit into them. [👀🙃] The boy takes off his grey sweat pants and throws them over to you which you catch somehow. You step into them pulling them up as high as you can, only for them to fall but just catch onto your curvy hips. You wait for Bakugo to put on the shorts so you could leave this hell hole.

Finally after what felt like 2 hours but was really 5 minutes, you guys leave the closet, you going first in front of Bakugo and his hands covering the front of him. You walk back to your spot feeling comfy in the loose clothing where as for Bakugo... well let's just say he felt exposed and vulnerable. "Haha nice ass bakubro." Kirishima snickers and slaps his ass as he walks past. "Oi! DO YOU WANNA DIE CRAPPY HAIR!" This made the boys laugh more seeing the blonde moved his hands, explosions going off, and looking as if he was about to pop a blood vessel all while wearing booty shorts.

Kaminari managed to get a photo of him and you photo bombed posing in the second one which Katsuki had turned around about to kill the knock off pikachu. "What are you getting so worked up about? Kiri gave you a complement. And he ain't lying." You mumble the last bit. "How long do we have to stay like this?" Bakugo angrily whispers.

"Until the end of the game." Mina laughs. "Oh yeh, I'm pretty sure there is a rat in the closet." I point over with my thumb. Deku gets up to go see but slams the door, his face looking like he has seen a ghost and walks back over to us waving his hand by his neck in a 'haha NOPE' motion. "No. Nope. There was no rat. Just a giant huntsman spider."

"Ooooo really?" Y/n asks excitedly. The greenet nods and you run to the closet opening the door and picking up the spider. "Awww look how cute and fluffy he is. Now awren't wou just adowable." You speak in a baby voice giving it little scratches on his back. You walk back to the couch and sit noticing everyone moving away from you.


"Yeh rats are disgusting. They carry diseases and rabies, and they have those gross front teeth and their fur is dirty and yuck *gag noice*." You continue patting the spider calmly sitting in your hand.

"I thought I feared you before, this is a whole new fear." Kirishima shakes while Kaminari, Sero, And Deku nod along to his statement. "Oh I have a dare for anyone who accepts." You look around the group to choose a victim. "Kiri, your manly." At this he gulps out of fear. "I dare you to hold cutey wutty wittle Lucius." You Hold the spider out for the shark boy to hold with an innocent smile on your face. He hesitantly holds out his hand for Lucius to crawl onto.

"You are evil, you know that right." He nearly flicks his hand as the spider slowly starts walking onto his hand.

"Yes I am aware." You smile cutely at him. "I hate how her cute smile only means evilness." Kaminari shivers. Lucius was completely on Kiri's hand and the poor boy was breathing deep and fast making a high pitch squill like a dog whining.

"I think wittle Lucius wikes you." You coo as you wiggle your index finger. The red head just looks at you with fear and back to the spider a couple of times telling you to get the hairy thing off. "Ok Lucius, say good bye to uncle Kiri." You pick up the spider bringing relief to your classmate.

"Dude that was hella manly of you." Denki fist bumps him.

"You wanna shot Pikachu?"

"Oh hell nah you demon holding a mini demon." Denki runs up the stairs saying good night and how he is going to be having nightmares for a month. "Well on that note I'm going to go to bed too." Uraraka says getting up from her spot. "I-I'll walk you to your r-room." Midoriya stutters with his hand on his neck.

The group all say their good nights, Sero and Mina leave together hand in hand being cute, leaving the angry hedgehog and you left. "Ok, you need to put down that damn thing."

"No! He is my baby. Lucius will be part of the class. And if you try taking him, you will regret it." You threaten hiding Lucius away from Bakugo.

"Yeh... I don't think Aizawa would allow it. So I am being considerate and letting you realise Lucius outside in the garden. But if you don't, I will blow him up."

"And the others called me evil." You mumble with a pout. You walk to the doors to go outside, walking out to the garden you hold your hand down by the garden bed. Lucius walks off your right hand but bites in between your index finger and thumb. Out of reflex from flicking your hand in pain, you reached back teleporting a pocket knife that you saw in the tech lab though your hair and precisely throw it at the spider pinning it into the ground to die. "You betrayed me Lucius." Bakugo just stares at you wide eyed not expecting you to go from happy to emotionless within a matter of a second and kill "your baby" as you called it.

"This is why I have trust issues." You walk past Bakugo and back into the dorms to do your night routine and go to bed, leaving Bakugo to just stare into space of where you were just standing.


Lucius shouldn't have crossed y/n. Hey babes hope you are enjoying the book. What's it been now? 3 chapters in like 2 days? Don't expect that to be kept up 😆. Anyway, thank you for the 912 reads. This book is slowly raising in reads which makes me happy so thank you again. Now...


Word count just in case y'all actually care 1415

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