Chapter 12 | Frustrating Dreams

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Y/n's POV

I wake up in a cold sweat and tears flowing like a waterfall down the sides of my face and past my ears. I sit up, hand clutching my chest above where my heart is trying to calm my raging heavy breathing. I take a few deep breathes letting out shaky sighs. I bury my face into my cold hands and start crying to my hearts content.

⚠️Trigger Warning. slight Abuse physical and mental.⚠️

"WHAT THE HELL Y/N? HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO STAIN? TO TOGA? To me?" Dabi yells at me but lowers his voice, hurt lacing his two last words. "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU HAVE GONE AND BETRAYED ME LIKE THIS! HOW CAN YOU LIVE WITH YOURSELF KNOWING YOUR STARTING TO BECOME FRIENDS WITH THOSE, THOSE, THOSE HEROES!" He hisses out, pointing to the side of the room for more emphases on who he meant.

"I-I'm sorry Dabi *sniff* I-I don't know how I started t-to feel comfortable with th-them? I pr-promise it wasn't m-my *sniff* intention. Please D-Dabi, your my brother my *sniff* family. I'm s-sorry, please forgive m-me brother." You kneel on the hard cold concrete floor begging Dabi, tears racing down your hot rosy cheeks and onto the ground.

"They've made you soft. How PATHETIC!" He slaps me across the face with his quirk activated. He aggressively pulls at my chin to face him. He wore a sadistic smile as his fingers and thumb catch a light with the beautiful ocean blue of his flames, burning into my chin. I groan in pain before I start screaming from the top of my lungs unable to fight the temptation to do so. I grab at his wrists trying to make him let go not being able to take the pain any longer.

"I should have left you on the streets all those years ago if I had known you were gonna betray me, or better yet... Burned you alive. HAHAHAHA!" My eyes enlarge in fear, this wasn't the Dabi I once knew and grown to love as my brother. "Stop... Stop... STOOOOOP!" I screech.

⚠️End Trigger Warning⚠️

'I can't let these Hero wanna be's soften me. I can't let them in. I'm only here for Eri. Once I see Eri safe, sound and happy then I can leave. They only want to be here because of the fame and fortune that comes with saving people.' My mind clouded with hatred and feeling guilty as my tears just stop flowing. I dry away the wetness on my cheeks with my quilt/Doona. I glance at the alarm clock sat on my bed side table that read 3:48 am. I let out a long sigh getting up and changing into my black sweats that hang looseish on my hips (I stole them from Dabi) f/c sports bra and a light grey cropped hoodie.

I pull my hair into a loose plat and sweep it onto my right shoulder. After I tug on my white running sneakers I silently tiptoe out of my room closing it slowly behind me. I quickly yet quietly take the steps down making it to the second floor before a bright torch shines on my figure mid step. I freeze in hope that who ever is shining the torch on me will fall for my pretending not being there and walk away. [Y/n is now Drax, just without the peanuts 🤣 ]

"Miss Hatori. What are you doing up at this hour?" An annoyed tired voice asks as I slowly turn to face my teacher.

"I could ask you the same question sir." I reply back nonchalantly. He angrily stares daggers into my being awaiting for a proper answer. "Fine, I couldn't sleep so I was gonna go train for a bit. Happy?" You sass him crossing your arms, leaning on one leg and the other leg pointing out.

"Don't sass me problem child. Go back to bed, we will be doing plenty of training in school today. Last thing I need is you sleeping in class and too sore to participate in the training classes." He points to the stairs for you to go up and back to your room.

You let out a huff through your nose and stomp back up the stairs and to your room. 4:15 am. Every minute that went by felt like a year. Still in your gym clothes you sit up from laying on the ground. 'Surly Aizawa as finished the rounds by now. But I don't want to get caught again cause he might get upset... ha since when do I care who gets upset?... well only if it's my mother which Aizawa might tell if he catches me up one more time.' I contemplate what I should do because there is no way I'm going to be able to get back to sleep.

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