Chapter 13 | Lunch Time Training

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Y/n's POV

I arrived back to my room cautiously opening me door praying Kiri wasn't in it. I fully open my door to see no one inside, I rush in grabbing my uniform and toiletries and run down to the bathrooms to shower and change before the other girls do the same.

I peal off my sticky sweaty clothes tossing them to the side as I turn the shower onto cold. I step Into the falling water, the coolness of it feeling nice on my sore muscles and fists. I then turn the warmth on to relax more. The hot clear liquid trickles down my back and chest as I pour coffee scented soap into my hands to wash over my body. After rinsing off I add a dollop of shampoo to the top of my head and rub it into my scalp.

While I was washing out the shampoo, the bathroom door clicked open then shut. 'Dang it someone is in here.' I finish washing my hair with conditioner to the rest of my hair and quickly dry off and changing whilst who ever the other person was, was showering. I tie my damp hair into a tight slick bun as I rush out the bathroom with all my belongings hanging from my arms.

"Oh Good morning y/n. How did you sleep?" I hear a voice sweetly speak from behind me. I give a nod "Alright." Is all I say to the cheery brunet girl and continue speed walking back to my room. I dump my sports clothes into my hamper/wash basket and pick up my scattered note books off of my desk from studying a little last night. I aggressively shove my school stuff into my bag, slugging it over my shoulder to walk to school.

I snuck into the dark classroom slightly surprised to not see Iida already here. I walk to my desk at the back of the classroom next to Todoroki, I sit in my seat and pull out my art book and start doodling to pass the time. Eventually Iida came in shocked to see me in before him. "Hatori it's good to see another student enthusiastic to get to class early." He stats chopping his hands through the air. 'Is he playing imaginary fruit ninja...?' I only hum in response not wanting to engage in conversation with him or anyone.

I continue scribbling as other students start filing in here and there. "-looked everywhere and I couldn't find Hatori- oh there she is." Mina runs up to me leaving Uraraka behind to talk with Deku. "Hey Hatori, I didn't see you leave this morning, I was honestly worried you ran haha." I look up to her small frame leaning on my desk not moving my head. "Wow that's a cool drawing you've done there girl." She points to my art. I quickly slam the book closed still glaring at her.

"Hey girl you good? Is something up?" She asks. "I just want to make one thing clear. I'm not your "girl" and I ain't your friend nor anyone else's." I put my art book into my bag and get out my note book for the first lesson. "If you don't mind class is starting soon." I state coldly looking out through the window to the pink girl as she steps back in sadness and walks over to the other girls.

"Was that really necessary y/n?" I hear Shoto say from my left. "I'm not here to make friends and I'm DEFINITELY not here to become a hero." I bitterly say staring at our teacher walking in the door for class to start.

✨Time skip brought to you by lockdown✨

I walk to the cafeteria looking forward to having something in my belly since I didn't get to eat breakfast. I pay for my food and walk back out to sit in one of the school gyms so then I could squeeze in more training before the end of lunch. I sit on the gym floor as I eat my lunch and think more about the dream I had last night. 'Is Dabi upset with me right now? Does he ever think that taking me in was a regret? Does he actually care for me or does he just pity me? Does he know I'm not here by choice?'

Thoughts ran through my head about Dabi and also about how he might be doing. 'I really wish I could make contact with him but this stupid school won't let me out the gates.' Oh how I missed my big brother. I finish my food and get up to start stretching. Right now I was focusing on flexibility and my other senses. Even though it's only a slim chance of having to use your other senses, it's still handy to have them trained if you ever loose your vision or are kidnapped or if your fighting in the dark.

I do flexible yoga poses taking calming deep breathes taking in my surroundings of the gym. I was currently doing tittibhasana. [Its the pose where your doing a handstand but your legs are split straight over your bent arms.] My eyes are closed as I listen to the birds chirping in the air outside and the crickets in the bushes. I smell the stale sweat come off from the gym mats and the chalk for gymnastics. I hear the gym door open and close silently 'someone is here.' I feel for vibrations in the ground for steps of someone walking.

Their steps light but only because they are trying to not gain attention '56-60 kg, though the steps are light they are still wide and have a depth in a way. I'd say male, about 5-6 subway sandwiches [This is how I actually measure people.] in height, walking say 10 meters away give or take.' I think as I stay still keeping my ears pealed and focusing on the vibrations from the person. I feel them start to move closer to me so I slowly bring my legs into a split stand then handstand making it seem like I am unaware of the person lurking around.

My skirt was up but thankfully I had some bike/dance shorts underneath. I sense the person continue walking up behind me again. '3...2...1.' I helicopter my legs around managing to kick the person in the face. They let out a grunt as I front spring off my hands and onto my feet and deliver a swift punch to the gut. [Just in case your confused, they were in front of you when you had your legs over your arms but once you went into a handstand they are now behind you bc your back is now to them. Make sense?]

I open my eyes seeing a half folded over Porcupine laying on the ground in front of me in pain. "WHAT THE HELL HATORI?" "Why are angry with me? I'm the victim here, your the one who snuck up on me. Therefore I should be the one saying "wHaT tHe HeLl BaKuGo"." I mimic his words crossing my arms over my chest and with a bored look on my face.

I start walking to my bag and blazer picking them up to leave Bakugo to himself. "What the heck has been wrong with you today?" He asks in an angry yet not shouting tone. It was a little more softer then usual. I stop in front of the door looking over my shoulder to show I'm listening and waiting for him to continue.

"First you demolish crappy hairs punching bag, I sleep next door and I heard that thing split. What the heck did you do to it? Never mind that's off topic. Second you tell Mina to buzz off and that your not wanting to be her friend. And thirdly you sit in the gym for lunch doing training I assume and just now you attacked me. WHAT THE DUCK IS UP HATORI?"

"And why do you care?"


"Oh so they are your friends? I thought you said they weren't?" I taunt him. "And don't Villains 'just attack people'? If you have also forgotten, I'm a villain, I don't belong here and I sure as hell don't want to be here. So please get off my case and leave me the heck alone dumbass." You walk out leaving the angry blonde curse at you while you disappear from the gym.

It went on like this for the rest of the week, I would ignore everyone and not engage with anyone who would talk to me. After school I would stay in my room by myself and sneak out to the kitchen when everyone went to bed to grab a plate of food either Tsu or Uraraka left for me from dinner in the fridge. I would train nonstop trying to let my anger and frustrations out.

It probably wasn't healthy to say the least but I would still cooperate with the teachers because this was all to see Eri and as soon as I see her I'm gone. I will be able to return back to Dabi, sure I'll become one of the most wanted villains but that isn't anything new, just as long as I'm reunited with my brother I'll be happy.


Hi darlings. Sorry shorter chapter this time, honestly I haven't been planing ahead my writing is all winging it and hoping for the best. So far it's been working and people are actually reading my book so I must be doing something right. I still can't believe you guys are reading my book it makes me very happy and actually bothered to keep writing. If you have any questions feel free to ask or any ideas you might want in the book let, a me, a know. Also I'm in lockdown atm and I am seeing shapes and animals in my bathroom tile rocks. So that's fun. Now...


Word count just in case y'all actually care 1699

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