Chapter 15 | Just Dance

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Y/n's POV

I wake up in my bed and in my dark room. I look around seeing my clothes scattered around the room and my half zipped up duffel bag. I get up out of bed stretching and cracking my back, shoulders and arms. I sluggishly walk over to my curtains to open them up and see how light it was out. I swiftly open the curtains causing me to slap my hand over my eyes hissing from the brightness, walking backwards, tripping over my packed bag, landing on the cold hardwood floors and the wind being knocked out of me.

"Ow." I gasp for air pain shooting through my back, I hear the door open and look up since I was still laying on the ground.

"Are you ok, kero?" Froppy asks with her tongue out and finger to her chin.

"Y-yeh, just *huff* tripped over from the bright *huff* light." I explain out of breath as she comes over and helps me up to my feet. "Thanks..."

"It's no problem, kero." She gives me one of her adorable closed eye smiles. I rub my now sore back gaining my breath back. Tsu also gently rubs my back in hope to get rid of the pain. "I saw you didn't eat your dinner that I left in the fridge for you last night, you must be hungry, come eat breakfast with us?" I look to the frog girl then look down to the ground. Everything Bakugo said about me leaving Eri behind still fresh in my mind, I contemplate the offer before slowly nodding.

Tsu smiles brightly at me grabbing a hold of my hand and pulling me out the door. "Uh Tsu, maybe I should change first." I point out that I'm still in my school uniform from yesterday and it's currently Saturday morning. She agrees letting me change.

I dig through my clothes pulling out camo cargo pants and a cropped black t-shirt;

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I throw them against my body watching them fall to the floor and remembered I am not David Copperfield or Zac King. I groan out of exhaustion and actually properly change. I jump into my ugg boots and head out my room to walk downstairs with tsu.

"You alright, kero, I heard a groan?" She asks head slightly tilted, tongue poking out and her finger on her chin. 'How can someone be nearly as adorable as Eri?' I think before answering.

"I forgot I'm not magic." I shrug shoving my hands in my pockets. She had to take a double check at my face to see if I was serious or not. We make it downstairs and the food smelt heavenly, I look around seeing my classmates scattered around the kitchen, dining and common rooms.

A couple students notice me and point me out to others, soon enough word was spread that I was joining for breakfast. I felt self conscious but didn't let it show, I ignored the eyes on me and walked into the kitchen to grab some of the pancakes that were being made. I try reaching for the cabinet to grab a glass for some f/j [Favourite Juice] But my hand was just short of the handle.

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