Chapter 11 | Maid Bakugo?

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Omg I have 7 readers this is awesome. Thanks so much for reading my book it means a lot, here enjoy a picture of Denki that I drew. ☺️⬆️

3rd POV

"Yo Pikachu, I'm feeling a bit parched, mind getting me a nice cold drink from the vending machine?" You commanded Kaminari while you sat at your desk with your feet up on the table. "*sigh* Yes ma'am, coming right up." He does a small bow. "Hey I thought I told you to curtsy, it's already sad enough that you weren't aloud to wear the maid costume in class but at least you can still curtsy." You had a look of innocence on your face while Kaminari looked like he was about to cry. He curtsies and leaves the room to get your cool beverage.

Madoriya walks up to you as he questioningly looks at a whining Kaminari walking out the large classroom door. "Uh..? Hatori w-why are y-you making Kami-kaminari do what you w-want?" "Because he lost a bet and he has to do what ever I say for the rest of the week." You explain shrugging with a blank face. "Ooo y/n can you make him grab me some cake?" Mina joins in the conversation.

"Mina, there is no cake in the cafeteria."

"I know. But I want cake." She evilly smiles as you tap your nose twice and point to her since you like how her mind works. The oh so poor unsuspecting Denki walks back in dragging his feet on the ground as he does a small spin and places your drink on your desk next to your feet. "Ma'am your cool beverage from the vending machine." He curtsies.

"Thank you Kami, I was gonna let you have some time off for your hard work but I wasn't happy enough with your spin and suddenly Mina and myself would just LOVE a slice of cake right about now."

"B-but the cafeteria doesn't have cake..."

"Then go scavenge, I don't know just bring us cake... Unless..."

"Un-unless..?" The yellow haired boy was desperate to get out of servant duty and if you had an alternative then he would gladly listen to what it is.

"Unless you let me punch you as hard as I want." Kami thinks about it then says "Ok cake coming right up ma'am." "Really Dunce face? You would rather be a slave for the rest of the week then get one small punch from a weakling like short stake over there?" Bakugo insults you as well as wants to see Denki get punched. "Who are you calling weak and short? Do you want me to punch you instead cause I'd gladly take that opportunity." You say cracking your nuckles and neck.

"Tch, Fine, you punch me and I have no reaction you let the power outlet out from your stupid ass commands."

"Ok, and if you even as much as wrinkle your nose you become my slave instead." You evilly side grin like a Disney villain does. "Well either way I am free from being a slave so I'm happy." Denki celebrates. "Can I still get that cake though?" Mina asks Kaminari. "Don't worry Mina you will get your cake but it will just be from Bakugo which will make it all the more sweeter." You evilly laugh getting ready to give a punch to the boom boom boy even Almight would be proud of.

"Ok are you ready boom boom boy?" You ask cheekily.


"Uh... you DUH, what have you got? Hair for brains?" You deadpan at him like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"WHY YOU LITT-" you cut off his sentence with your left fist in his stomach. He folds in half and drops to the ground holding his gut that feels like it's trying to escape his throat. You squat down knees together, elbows resting on your knees and your chin on your hands. "Who's the weakling now?" You say in a baby voice with a wink at the end. You stand back up and brush down your skirt your back to the blonde. "Mina, What kind of cake would you like? Cause I'm in the mood for red velvet." You say the flavour you want over your shoulder and rolling the R on Red with a smirk lacing your chapped lips.

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