Chapter 27 | Training Bra

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Y/n's POV

I woke up to my right hand throbbing in pain. 'That's right, Lucius betrayed me and bit my hand. Luckily he ain't venomous.' Despite the tarantula not being venomous, they still pack one heck of a bite that can draw blood. I examine my hand seeing it was just a bit swollen from the bite and that I won't be able to do very much with it. I jump out of bed wondering why my legs suddenly got cold. 'Oh yeh I took off the trackies due to over heating during the night. Here they are.' I lean down picking up the grey sweats and pulling them up.

I look in my mirror remembering the clothes I'm wearing are Bakugos. I pick up the collar bringing it close to my nose taking a deep breathe of the caramel scent. I slowly breathe out enchanted by the intoxicating sweet smell left on the t-shirt from when the angry boy was wearing it. 'Ummmmm... why did I just do that..? Oh My God... porcupine was wearing my clothes last night and I forgot to swap them back.' I frantically think to myself opening my door ready to rush out to find the blonde and take my clothes back only to find my clothes already folded neatly in front of my door.

I look down the hall both way before picking up the pile and bringing them inside my room. I shut my door with my foot and walking over to my dresser placing last nights clothes on top for me to deal with after school. It was early enough in the morning that I didn't have to get ready straight away, so I hopped into the elevator and rode it down to the ground floor. I walk out and headed for the kitchen to get some breakfast.

"Ummmm... y/n? A-are those Bakugos clothes?" Jirou runs up to me leaning in with her hand covering the side of her mouth while walking next to me. I nod in response. "Like I mean, good for you. I'm not gonna lie, I didn't see it coming." I look at her questioningly only to suddenly stop seconds later, my e/c eyes wide and a deep red blush crawling up my neck and onto my face and to the ends of my ears at the understanding of what the musically gifted girl was talking about.

"WHAT? NO! Me and Bakugo didn't do anything, this was from a dare last night where we had to swap clothes and I didn't bother changing because of how comfy his clothes are." I shout in a hushed tone only for Jirou to hear. She rubs the back of her neck in embarrassment from miss understanding the situation. I take a deep breathe to get my composure back and continue walking into the kitchen. "Besides, I hate him and that would never EVER happen."

[Haha... ha... umm... about that...😬]

I walked up to a cabinet leaning down opening the door to take a white bowl out to feel a slap on my ass. Quickly with a pocket knife not overly tight in my hand due to it being swollen, I hold the sharp object up to the culprit only to quickly take it away. "Mina, girl, what ran through your head to make you think that was a good idea? You know I'm not use to any "signs of affection" that "girl-friends" do."

"Girly I should be asking what happened to yo hand?" The pink skinned girl points out with worry.

"Oh, Lucius betrayed me." I turn my hand around examining the bite.

"That's why you shouldn't trust spiders." She says shaking her head with a light breathily chuckle.

"Y/NNNNNN!!! Y/NNNNN!!! WHERE ARE YOU?!" At the call of my name I confusingly look to Mina with a brow raised and her mirroring mine. I walk out the kitchen to be met with another pink haired girl with soot all over her and big purple bags under her eyes that could compete with Shinso's. "Uhh, Hatsume? What are you doing here?" I question with my head tilted.

"IT'S READYYYYYY!" Hatsume sang with excitement holding up a case for me to take. I grasp the case into my clutches and undo the to clips for the lid to slowly open revealing my new costume. I glance over it before looking back up to the techie girl in front of me with bewilderment in my eyes. "H-how did you get this done within one night?" I stutter at the start of my sentence trying to wrap my head around the fact my drawing was now real within my hands.

"7 cups of coffee, 3 red bulls and 5 cups of coffee mixed with monster energy drinks." She lists off on her fingers.

"So that's why your buzzing." "Correct-a-mundo." She puts up her two thumbs in the air and extending the 'O' a little.

"I placed instructions in there too but if you have any questions you know where to find me. Take care of my babies for me." She waves good bye leaving the dormitory building. I take one last look at the costume before closing the lid. Looking over to the clock on the wall of the common room I part ways with Mina waving to go get ready for school. Taking the case with me to my dorm I run into a firm pair of boobs? "Oh... Bakugo. You should really watch where your going with those tits of yours." I mistakenly flick them. The blonde lets off a Warning growl.

"They are my pecs not tits." He states lowly, his vermilion eyes bore into my e/c ones. But my mouth and hands had a mind of their own and didn't know when to stop. "Maybe you should get a training bra to help. Oh I might have an old pair from when I was younger if you need?" I reply while poking one pec. Bakugo seizes my wrist from poking him anymore with his usual angry scowl on his face, juuuust 2x worse. His body tenses, flexing his muscles trying to intimidate me. "Hey maybe you don't need that bra after all." I slightly gulp knowing that would have been the last straw.

I tug at my hand hoping to get away but that plan didn't work. "Bakugo, please let go. I need to get ready for school and I'm starting to think this is becoming a habit of yours holding or pining me down." I mentally face palm for adding the last bit. He lets off another warning growl and tightening his grip, glancing me up and down before letting go and walking off. "Tch keep the clothes glitchy. I don't want them back." I gently feel my wrist from where he had his tight hold and quickly return to my room to change into the school uniform that shouldn't exist because of how short it is. But ultimately I didn't care because I looked hot in thigh highs and short skirts.


"Class change into your hero costumes and meet at Ground Gamma." Aizawa grumbles before walking out the door. The boys and girl split off to change into their new winter suits. "Aaaww Yeh. I can't wait too see how all our new and improved winter costumes will look on us." Mina jumps with excitement and Momo nodding along. [Sorry I didn't make a winter version, so just add a coat of your choosing or some thick winter stockings or leave it how it is don't matter.] I pull the loose armour corset over my head, weaving my hands through where they are meant to go and pulling on the strings dangling at the back. The more I tightened, the more shape it would give me. Yet the way the metal plates were lined I was still able to move flexibly and it was light enough to move my normal swift pace.

I pull on my shorts and button up all the buttons lining the front giving my hips and waist shape too. I place the belts where they belong accessible for me to use. I pull on my black reinforced combat boots hooking the laces onto the hooks quickly and tying them at the top. Next were gloves and goggles clipping them into place. My right glove felt a bit tight but that was due to the currently healing bite.

We all walk out onto Ground Gamma being met with a high evil cackle. "HAHAHAHAHAHA FINALLY! CLASS 1-A VS CLASS 1-B!!!"...


Hey darlings. Just as a heads up, this will be going into season 5. Sorry if you haven't seen it and I have given a small spoiler. I don't necessarily want to do the whole first ark because that will mean I'll have to watch though it again just to get details. It was a good ark don't get me wrong, it's just more the hassle of it with funimation not really working well and it should have just stayed AnimeHub or the same layout and just change the brand. But please PLEASE let me know if you wanna read the whole thing or just the fight that Y/n will be in. That would be a HUGE help.

If you want the whole ark I'm happy to do that too. So vote here I'll probably close votes some time idk when. See how I go and if I get a vote 😅.

Full ark >

Just the fight with Y/n >

Thank you lovelies for reading my book too and suggest anything you might want to read so then the book doesn't become boring for you guys. And thanks for the 912 reads. Now...


Word count just in case y'all actually care 1644

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