Chapter 17 | Detective Bakugo

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Bakugos POV Sunday

From the corner of my eye I catch Hatori walk out the elevators looking very unsettled, Earphones also saw her but I don't think she picked up on the weird behaviour.

"Where are you off too Hatori?" Weird ears asks.

"I-I'm heading to... uh my mother's..?" Short stack says sounding unsure of her own answer. 'Is this idiot really planning on trying to escape? She does realise I will not hesitate to bringing her down and turn her in.'

"Tch. That didn't sound convincing nerd." I scoff at her.

"Well, I am heading to my... mothers house to train."

"And how do we know you aren't going to run away extra?" I raise my voice to show I mean business.

"Aizawa has given me permission to walk there, he knows exactly how long it takes to walk to her house, plus my mother will let him know of my arrival." She tries to convince me as the said man walks in.

"Hatori." She turns to the shaggy man as he nods to the door. The girl nods to him and speed walks out the door. As she leaves I notice she was wearing sports leggings and sports shoes yet wore a large long jumper over the top. 'Who wears a large winter looking jumper when training? It's not even cold outside.' My brows furrow in confusion. 'What are you planning you damn extra?'

I watch closely through the glass door as she walks the path out the U.A gates, I look over to crappy hair, soy sauce and dunce face playing Faze 10. [This is one of my personal favourite games, it's very fun but if you thought Monopoly ended friendships.. HAHAHA ahh... let's just say I no longer have friends...😅] I whistle gaining the 3's attention as well as other extras but they just continued doing their own stupid stuff.

The 3 boys look at one another puzzled before walking up to where I was sitting, once they approached me I stood up and walked to the elevators. They stand in the middle of the room confused, I roll my eyes with a "Tch" and motion for them to follow me.

We ride up the elevator to the 5th floor. "Uhh Bakugo? This isn't the way to your room man." Weird arms tells me as we step out the elevator. "You don't think I know that idiot." I roll my eyes. "We are obviously going to that stupid extras room. She is hiding or up to something and I'm going to find out so I can take her dumb ass down." I ball my fists as we make it to her rooms door.

I forcefully turn the door nob, and it's unlocked? 'The dumb ass forgot to lock her door. What an idiot.' We cautiously enter her room, Dunce face and Crappy hair pushing each other in first to scared to enter the lions den. 'Wusses.' The curtains were half open letting in just enough light.

Electro idiot went to open the curtains before I stopped him. "You idiot, she will notice if anything is moved. DO. NOT. TOUCH. ANYTHING!" The yellow haired boy threw his hands up in the air like he was surrendering. I continue to look around the room as do the boys looking for anything odd or suspicious.

'Tch she left in such a hurry she forgot to close her draw.' I close the half open bottom draw knowing it was meant to be closed in the first place. 'A first aid kit? It's open and missing 2 bandages and the disinfectant spray. This must be for something. Is she getting into street fighting? Nah she would loose, so, it can't be that... I don't think she would be dumb enough to go to a villain friend to help them out... would she? Either way I'm getting to the bottom of this stupid extras evil plans.'

I took the first aid kit knowing she will look for it and that will be my chance to find out her evil plans. "So what exactly are we looking for Bakubro?" The red head asked.

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