Chapter 28 | Class 1A vs Class 1B

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Quick A/N,
Hey babes, Go check out 'Undercover Tryst' by Stephmeroo and go follow her on tiktok same user name. This story is an OC x Aizawa story, I'm obsessed. Steph is my favourite Miss Joke cosplayer and her boyfriend Lex is my favourite Aizawa cosplayer. Anyway check them out and show them some love. Also I wasn't able to log back into funimation bc it sucks so I'm just going via vague memory and sites that give brief descriptions. So I probably won't be able to do a proper fighting scene but I will try. Let's get into this chapter.

Y/n's POV


"This is gonna ROCK!!!" Tetsutesu and Kirishima say in unison while chest bumping.

"You idiots ready to lose?" Monoman points accusingly at class 1-A. 'Wow this guy is full of it. He's kinda cute though.'

"Big talk coming from someone who is only second best." I comment from the middle of the group. The class turns to me shocked I'm even wanting to fight fire with fire. Bakugo seemed to be a little impressed, pretty sure I saw a small smile. "Ahh the newest member of the losers. You could have had so much more potential in my class." The blonde walks up towering over me.

"Too bad I didn't have a choice in where I went, and your class can't be that good if I came straight to class A, you know, being a villain and all." The boy looks at me with wide eyes. "I need to be nice so I'm sure your class has its strengths, I'm being supervised by Eraser Head over there." I wave to the Class A teacher like a 3 year old waving to their parents after daycare. Aizawa rolled his eyes at me and continued to talk with Vlad King.

"You don't strike me as a professional criminal." Monama looks me up and down.

"That's what makes me so good at it." I smirk. "But if you guys are that good why aren't YOU Class A? Last time I check the English alphabet it's A B not B A. You might have to redo English mate."

"You are just a little bitch aren't you." He says lowly with anger written all over his face. "Aww did I make you mad?" I make a fake pouty face. Monoma lifts up his hand pointing at me about to yell before I grab his wrist pulling it down swiftly with a pen in my other hand and start writing on the palm of his thumb. He freezes confused as well as everyone else. "You're kinda fun and cute so that's my dorm room, you should come by sometime and hang out. The names is Y/n Hatori by the way." I give a wink as I walk back to my class group while he just stands their dumbfounded. [Where the pen came from? Idk? Actually it would have come through her hair.]

"Alright classes we have a special guest today." Aizawa announces gesturing to a tired looking student behind him. "Shinso will be participating one round with both classes to prove himself worthy of the possibility of joining one of our classes. Hatori, you will also be doing the same since there is 21 students in class A. Which ever team Shinso is in, you will be on the opposite team to keep things equal."

"Let's hope you join Class B Shinso. We are so much better. We could become great friends and make fun of class A ahahahaha." Monama excitedly chats with the indigo haired student. I walk back to my class fiddling with the pen that was in my hand. "So I take it you're into loud blondes hmm?" Jirou sneaks up to me leaning in with a smirk and a brow raised. "And what's that supposed to mean?" I question back.

"Well, if you wanted a loud, arrogant, huge ego blond, you could have just asked Bakugo out." She whispers his name with her right hand up while pointing to him through her hand. I gag at the thought of me and Bakugo. "That fire cracker? Yeh nah, I'll pass thanks. He's so full of it and annoying and ugh I just hate the thought of him." I cross my arms over my chest taking a small step away from the purple haired girl with my chin in the air and looking to my left where the said blonde caught my eye as he spoke with Deku and Almight away from everyone else. 'Strange? Talking calmly with Midoryia? Odd. Not that I care.'

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