chapter 7

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 as we were leaning closer , i could see mikasa's pink lips getting closer , it was like heaven to me , anyways as her lips were inches away from mine , hitch FUCKING FAINTED , well she 'fainted', after that we tried to wake her up , but she didn't , we all knew that she is lying , so we waited for 10 min for her to wake up , after that she asked what happened , omfg she is a fucking bitch , we decided to play along her game , we told her that she fainted and then we decided to order some chinese food , well while we were waiting for the food , we decided to chill , anyways i was looking for something to do , since armin was with annie, coonie and sasha were eating , jean , marco and hitch were talking about some shit , when i turned to mika i saw that she was holding a note book.

- hey mika what r u doing 

- nothing much just working on a new song  

- do u need some help 

- yes please 

i got closer to her and we started to work on in , after 15 min we were done , i asked her if the wants to listen to some music , i gave her a pair of my airpods and then i played heavy by backseat lovers , and then mikasa turned to me 

- this is my fav song

- really me tooo

- i didn't know that  u have a good taste 

- of course i do dumbass 

and the she laughed , and then we laid on the ground and we were listing to it and then i heard mika singing , this girl is driving me crazy with her singing , she looks so cute...... i should stop i look like a pervert , at least we are in peace , well not until hitch came and decided to talk to me 

- hey eren what are u doing 

- chilling with mika 

m......mika why r u calling her that 

-do u have a problem 

and then she left , we listened to random songs and we were chilling ......

• 10 min later• 

the food was finally here , we ate and then mika decided to wash the dishes , so i was helping her i could hear some oooooooh from my friends or how we looked cute , anyways after the dishes we decided to watch some naruto's movies well sasha begging us to watch it , anyways after the movie ,it was 11 pm , we decided to sleep , and then i saw mikasa hitting her face and saying ughhhh


I'm a fucking dumb bitch why didn't i told them to stop in my house to bring my pjs i should die now , that's embarrassing .......


I went to mika and i asked her what's wrong , she was red as a tomato , which made me laugh , and she told me that she forgot her pjs 

-well that's a problem ackerman , i can give u mine if u want 

-really , thanks eren 

i went upstairs and i took a black sweat pants and a black shirt i gave it to her and she thanked me , when she changed my jaw dropped , she was looking cute, but sasha hit the back of my head

-owwwww sasha wt-

-u were staring at her way to much


we went to sleep on the floor annie and armin, sasha and connie , ymir and historia , hitch and jean and mrco and then me and mika , we decided to chat a bit but before i knew it i fell asleep .

• next morning•

i woke up by the laugh of historia but i felt something heavy on my chest when i opened my eyes i saw mika sleeping peacefully on my chest and my hand were around her waist......


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