Chapter 21

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as we were watching some movies, mika looked like a baby while she was laying on my chest  then  i got a phone call from a unknown number , so i decided to answer it 


-hi is this eren jeager . a male voice said 

-yeah it's me who am i talking to . i said

-oh right my name is alexander robenson , do u know mikasa ackerman . he asked , i wasn't feeling comfortable when he said the name of my girlfriend but i wanted to know why he is calling me .

-yeah why . i said then i put my phone on speaker so mika could listen 

-well a month ago , u 2 sang an original songs in a festival, did u write both of them

- no i wrote mine and she wrote her's

-perfect , well my boss was in that festival and he was impressed by u 2 and since we  don't have any singers for the moment we would like to try u 2 and u and her are invited to sing in a festival  . i would like to meet u 2 in person so we can discuss this 

-sure where do u want to meet .  i asked 

-let's go to an odd restaurant , 7 times restaurant .

-yeah will meet u there . i said

-perfect meet u in a hour and a half 


i hanged up and i looked at mika , she had the biggest smile ever , then she hugged me and said

- i wished to sing in a festival with u again . she said with her radiant smile 

-so u want to go for the meeting , ur not tired or something , if u are we can cancelled it 

-no baby i'm fine 

-u sure 

-yes . she said and she gave me a kiss on my lips , i kissed her back and then she broke the kiss , i looked at her in her eyes and i saw that she was a bit tired  but she is excited and i don't want to make her sad and break her heart, then i said 

-alright then 

-i'm going upstairs to change come with me i need ur opinion . she said

- u look perfect in every outfit u pick . i said

-awww thank u but i still need ur opinion , and u know i want to look formal in front of ur mother . she said , and yes my mother own the 7 times restaurant , as u know me and mika work there but just for fun , since she became sick , levi ordered her to stop working there , but after a big discussion between the ackermans , he decided to let her go to sing there 3 times in a week , anyways we went to her room and she said 

-alright i'm going to pick an outfit 

• 50 min later •

-ugh i didn't find an outfit  pick one for me please . she said with puppy eyes . she is so cute

-alright , let me see . i said , i grabbed a pair of black pair ripped jeans and they have some chains cuz i know that she is on her periods so ... and then i looked at her closet again , then i grabbed a white turtleneck cropped top then i handed to her , i seriously don't know what i grabbed , she went to the bathroom , i waited for her then she came and i gasped because she looked stunning then she said 

- what do i look bad 

-  no ur just amazing . i said and i kissed her she kissed back then she decided to add some jewels then she said

-how do i look now 

-perfect . i said , then we went down stairs and she wore her shoes and we decided to leave the house , we went to my place and i decided to change , i just changed my sweatpants into some white jeans , then we went to the restaurant , we sat there for 40 min then a tall men came and sat 

-u must be eren jeager ,oh and this beautiful lady must be mikasa ackerman . he said with a smirk while looking at mika , she had no emotion on her face , then we shook hands and we sat there 

-well let's get to the point cuz i have a meeting , i need u 2 to write some songs and i want u 2 to sing a duo 

-what type of songs u want . i said

- well what makes u comfortable and the due must be a love song . he said , we discussed the songs and all he was looking at mika with a weird look , then he said 

-well u look beautiful for a 17 y.o girl miss ackerman . he said , i was mad cuz he was flirting with her then mika grabbed my hand and said 

-thanks , when will we sing in the festival 

-within 2 months 


-miss ackerman , would u like to drink some coffee sometimes 

-sure if my boyfriend will come with me . she said while looking at me

-oh u 2 are in a relationship 

-yeah . i said 

after that he left and he handed us his boss's company card , then we decided to go back to her place , not until we find someone that made mika pale , i wonder who is he , he must be a dangerous man ....

alright that's it my periods cramps are killing me and i can't think straight , stay safe and peace 

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