Chapter 15

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-damn babe 

-what . she answered me while blushing , she looks cute

- u look cute while ur blushing . i said that and i started running . she stood there for some seconds and then she started to chase me ,i was running with the light speed , and she was right after me , but a damn rock made me trip , when i fell in the sand she fell on me when i opened my eyes i saw that she was right on top of me ,  she opened her eyes and she looking to mine as i was looking at hers , and then i told her 

- are u alright 

-  yeah , and u

-yeah i'm fine 

she got up and she gave me her hand i took it and we started walking while  holding  hands , i checked the time and it was 10;45 am , i decided that we should get some coffee 

- hey mika , do u want some coffee 


- alright let's go 

we were walking to shiganshina coffee shop , as we were looking in the menu i spotted marcel and his gang , god dammit not in the morning , mikasa noticed where i'm looking so she smiled at me and said

- don't worry about them , alright .

- yeah . i said then i smiled back 

-so what are u going to order 

- just some cappuccino and u 

- iced coffee 

- alright mika , wait here and i'll be back 


i went to order our drinks , and i saw ANNIE there , dammit i forgot that she works here , sigh and i 'm sure that armin told her about me and mika

- hey lover boy 

-hey annie 

- so what are u doing here 

- buying coffee, duh

- i know dumbass , what are u going to order 

- a cappuccino and iced coffee 

- hold up , who's with u

- mika 

- oh coffee date . she said that while smirking 

- shut up 

after a while she brought the drinks , i payed and before i could leave she said ; have fun with ur date . i turned around and i told her to fuck off , anyways as i was going to mika , of course i had to see that mother fucker of marcel trying to flirt with her , i was going to break his mouth , and i heard him say 

- so cutie what are u doing here. he said while looking at her with his disgusting look

- leave me alone . she said , she didn't even bother her self to look at him

- playing hard to get huh. he said while smirking . and hey look at me when i'm talking to u . he grabbed her hand , and then i came and i punched him in the face , i grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and sent him a death glare

- she told u to leave her alone alright , and she have a boyfriend 

- eren let him go , let's go don't waste ur energy on him . and then she  took my hand and we decided to her place 

• 10 min later •

- thanks eren i had fun today

-no problem mika. i said and i hugged her , she did the same , and then she kissed me i kissed back and then she went to her house and i decided to go to mine , until i saw him , fuck why is he here


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