Chapter 30

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I missed her soft lips , i missed her so much , we broke the kiss then i looked at her and she smiled at me and she hugged me and then she said 

-i missed u too babe 

i hugged her then she cried on my chest , since she is a bit shorter after that i lifted her chin and i wiped her tears with my thumb then she smiled then i took of her scarf and i wrapped it around her neck and he smiled then i realized that we are still on the stage and everyone is looking at us and they were saying that we look so cute together , i was blushing like a maniac and mikasa hid behind me , i laughed then we left the stage then everyone of my friends rushed and they hugged her ,annie was crying a lot , then levi came and he said 

-yeah , that was my reaction too when she was back . he said then he hugged his sister , after the hug i asked 

-so when did u wake up mika

- 14 hours ago , i had an operation and then they checked on me and guess what 


-i'm not sick anymore , i won't cough blood or anything else , i'm better than before . she said , i was happy that i lifted her up and i started spinning around while holding her ,i was happy , then i heard her giggle , she just usually chuckle , i laughed then levi hit my head 

-oi oi oi oi brat put my sister down now 

-oh sorry 

i put her down then my mom came and she said 

-m-mikasa u-ur back 

-yes carla 

-oh dear 

and she rushed to hug her , as they were hugging , they looked like mother and daughter , i smiled , then my mom said 

-u know eren was crying like a baby while u were-

-okay mom she doesn't need to know that . i said while blushing mika looked at me and smiled and she hugged me , i hugged her back then she said 

-but wait 


-what day is it again . she said and then we all laughed 

-i'm serious 

-it's sunday april 4th 

-that means that i missed eren's b-day , i'm sorry 

-no it's okay what it matters that ur here with me , alright . i said and she blushed after that levi said 

-so miki wanna go back home 

-actually levi can she stay with me tonight 

-..... let's talk brat 


as we left he said 

-alright listen to me , don't u DARE do something dirty to my sister ,alright 

-yeah sure 

-i can trust u 

-of course . i said , but in reality i have another plan [evil french laugh] and then we went back my mother said that she's not coming home since she's going to have a business trip , then i took mika and we went home after saying goodbye to the others , i grabbed my guitar and we went to my car after an hour we got to my place , i decided to order  some food ,but she wanted to cook 

-please ereh let me cook please . she said with puppy eyes , gosh she is so cute , i blushed then i said 


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