Chapter 13

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-MOM, DAD , I-I'm  sorry , i-i'm sorry they didn't find  t-the killers , i'm sorry 

-shut miki it's ok , i-it's ok

-n-no i-it's not it w-was my fault was my fault 

-no it's not


i woke up screaming and crying ,and then eren came to me and he started hugging me 

-shuuuut , it's ok , it's ok i'm here

-e-eren . and then i hugged him back  , and then he started rubbing my back and then he kissed my forehead . 

-hey look at me ur fine now , it was just a nightmare alright 


and then he wiped my tears with his thumb and then he kissed me , it was sweet and simple 

-are u better now


- u could just said that u wanted to kiss me . he said that while smirking .

- shut up . i said that while laughing

- now come here

we stayed in his bed , i was half awake, cuz i was tired , i didn't sleep that much these days , anyways i was lying  on his chest even if my heart was beating like crazy , and he was playing with my hair ,and then he kissed my head 

-oh before i forget i have some-

he was cut off by his mother calling us for dinner , he sighed and then he grabbed my hand , and we went downstairs i could feel my heart beating like a fucking maniac , i was nervous to see his family , eren saw that expression in my face so he looked at me and then he smiled , when we get to the kitchen we were greeted by his mother

- hello son , hello honey

-hey mom 

- hey carla

- alright kids , sit down in the table i'm going to call zeke 

-no mom let me do it 

-alright. as eren went upstairs it was me and carla , we chatted a bit and then eren came down with his brother , he is blond and he have a beard , anyways as we were going to sit , i decided to offer carla some help 

-hey carla , u need some help

-aw thanks sweetie , can u bring the plates from the kitchen , and i'm going to bring the forks


i went to the kitchen and i brought the plates  and i went to the dining  room , i placed them in the  table , after that i brought the glasses of water , and then she came and brought the plate of pasta ,and she served the food 

• 30 min later •

we finished dinner but we were still sting in the dining room

- hey mikasa i need to tell u something . zeke said while looking at eren

-ok . i replied 

- u know eren was always talking about u . he said that while laughing and i saw eren choking on his water and he was blushing like a maniac but he was looking cute , i didn't mind the fact that he was talking about me , he liked me , and it was the same but i wasn't sure about my feelings ,and then zeke continued 

- he even wrote a -

-ok thats it u fucker. eren said that while laughing but sanding a death glare tozeke

-oi, watch ur mouth eren . carla said that while looking at him

- anyways thanks for the meal carla

- no problem honey 

- do u need any help with the dishes 

-oh no need 

- i insist carla

-if u say so 

• 15 min later •

- u know mikasa my son is very lucky to have u 

i blushed a bit and then i answered 

- no carla  i'm the lucky one to have ur son . i said the truth , i was lucky to have eren , he is caring , cute , funny , even if others call him cold i see him as a sweet person 

- i just want to thank u for being with him , he changed for the better because of u , it's been a while since he smiled , he was so close to his father , he used to sing with him , but when his father died he stopped singing with passion and smiling , even if he had friends he didn't sing with the same passion  , but when u came to his life , i could see the desire for singing , he stared writing songs again , so thank u mikasa . she said that and i could see tears forming in his eyes , i hugged her and she hugged me back , we stayed like that for a few minutes until she let go off me 

- go honey eren must be waiting for u 

- are u sure that u want me to leave u 

- it's alright 


i went upstairs and i walked to eren's room , i knocked on the door and then i opened it i saw eren writing something in his note book when he saw me he closed it and then he stand up and he hugged me , and then he kissed my head , i blushed at his action 

- u look cute when u blush . he said that and then he looked to my eyes , i looked back even if i'm still blushing , he kissed me in the lips , his lips were so soft , they always taste like coffee , and then my phone and eren's phone ringed in the same time , we broke the kiss and then i saw that it was a video call from the group , shit , i looked at eren and he looked surprised , we decided to answer

- ymir; hey bitches 

- historia ; yeah wassup

- me ; nothing just chillin-

- connie ; nah u were making out with eren

- eren ; shut the fuck up connie 

- connie ; u didn't say it wasn't 

- sasha ; yeah .

and then all of them were silent 

- historia ; HOLD UP HOLD UP , IT'S TRUE



-me ; how can u think and u don't have even a brain 

i heard eren laughing at my comeback , i looked at him and i told him shut up , but he was still laughing .

armin ; hold up do i need glasses or eren and mikasa are in the same room 

and then it was the silence again....


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