Chapter 31

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as we arrived to annie's place , we got in then we sat on her bed then historia said 

-so how did it happened . i blushed then i said 

-well i was cooking and then he was the one who lifted me and took me to his room then y'all know what happened 

-so top or bottom . annie said 

-bitch how do u expect me to be top and he was the one who threw me on his bed and he got on top of me . i said then she mouthed 'oh' then ymir said 

-but girl he srsly killed u ,just look at those hickeys on ur neck 

-i know i just don't blame him , i wasn't here for almost a month and a half 

-dude when u left he wasn't the same , he wasn't talking much with us and he was always coming to u and he brought u ur fav

-my favorite flower 

-u knew 

-of course i was listening to each one of u , i was like trapped i could listen to all of u but i can't reply or do a thing , each time he came to visit he was always crying and saying when will i comeback . i felt tears steaming down my face then i wiped them then sasha said 

-girls hug . and they hugged me , then annie said 

-what about a sleepover here in my place 

-sure . we all said then i added 

-but let me inform levi and eren . they nodded then i called levi after he answered i said 

-ohayo onii-san 

-ohayo miki , what do u want 

-well i'm going to have a sleepover with the girls 

-yeah sure just inform that boyfriend of yours or he will start searching for u 

-[chuckle ] don't worry i will tell him  

-sayonara miki 

-sayonara shorty 

-what did u say cooking and clean freak 

-but u are also a clean freak 

-tch . we said in the same time then we laughed then he hung up i looked at the girls then they said 

-u and ur brother's personality are similar 

-yeah . i said while laughing then i decided to call eren then annie said 

-wait put ur phone on speaker i want to hear his reaction 


as i called he picked up the call 

-hey mika 

-hey babe , so i want to inform u that i'm having a sleepover with the girls 



-..... can u just come and sleep with me 

-no it's a girls night 

-but can we boys come and w-

-no . the girls said 

-i'm sorry it's a girl night 

-ugh i swear to god tomorrow i will come and u will spend the day with me 


- and i'll fuck you u-

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