Chapter 9

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important ; i decided to make grisha dead and zeke is the owner of the recording studio that grisha left


it's been 2h since we left eremika alone , we have been spying on them , and they WERE HOLDING HANDS ALL THE TIME, of course we had to take some pictures of them , they were looking so cute together  , anyways we saw them buying ice cream , clothes , but they went to the jewelry shop to get something , i hope that mother fucker yeager got her a neckless or something , anyways we saw them leaving the shop and we decided to follow them , those mother fuckers are still holding hands , like if they are friends then why are they acting like couples , ummm that's sus , anyways we followed them and as i can see in my phone they were trying to call us , we decided to not answer their calls , anyways they got to eren's car and they left , ooooooh i can sense the love between them , anyways i saw them stopping at eren's house and they went inside , don't tell me that they are having sex ,awww my favorite ship , after like 45 minutes they came out while eren grabbing his guitar and his mother was waving for them  , oh i was wrong anyways they got into the car again and they went to shiganshina orphanage  they went inside and we could se from the window that eren was playing for the kids and they were singing for them, THAT'S SO CUTE.... 


since no on was answering his phone , me and eren decided to leave the mall , anyways when we left , he told me that he is tacking me somewhere , but he suggested that we should go to his house first , we went to his car and when we arrived he told me to go in with him , i was greeted by his mom..

- oh my eren , u decided to bring mikasa home how sweet

-yeah mom but we are leaving soon , mika i'm going to take a shower stay here and i'll be back


when eren went upstairs to his room , miss yeager decided to came and talk to me

- have a seat dear

-thanks , miss yeager 

-np, but call me carla

- ok carla

-u know eren is always talking about u , well he changed a lot since u became friend with him , so thank u mikasa , he never used to sing , or talk to us , or even smile to us but u changed him , so thank u mikasa , thank u so much

- it's ok carla , and i'll make sure that he will stay happy

- thank u mikasa

and then she hugged me , it was nice it reminded me of my mother's hug , and even her sense remind me of her so i cried a bit 

- are u alright darling 

- yeah i just remembered my mother she used to hug me like u

- oh it's ok honey come here 

she hugged me and she started to comfort me we stayed like that for 5 min and then i decided to let go of her 

- are u feeling better 

- yes thank u very much carla 

- no need honey if u would like me to hug u and i'll be always here for u and if u want to u can call me mom whenever u want 

- thank u , can u not tell eren about my mom , i don't want him to worry about me 

- it's alright honey , and remember and i'm always here for u

- thank u for everything 

and then i cried again she hugged me again and she started singing a melody in my ear , she made me feel safe , her hug was warm 

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