Chapter 17

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she was sleeping peacefully in my arms , i picked her up and took her to my bed , i put my hand on her head and it was so hot ,she was  sneezing , i decided to lay next to her to comfort her , i felt sorry for her , she is just 17 and she had been through all of this , she was gonna get rapped , changed cities 2 times , witnessing her parents being killed in front of her , living in fear , she also had trust ish , and she was depressed , she was cutting her self , i cried a bit and then i saw historia crying in ymir's arms , she was saying that she had been in pain , jean , connie and marco were in shock , armin was reading his grand pa's book , trying to find more information to tell us , annie was just looking into the wall her eyes turned from sweet blue to dark blue , well her and mika were getting closer , they were best friends , they went to training together , had sleepovers ..... and then she cried so hard to make mika wake up , she looked at her with the sorry look , mikasa was shaking , and she kept saying that she was sorry to tell us this , she kept saying that until i grabbed her to a hug , she cried and cried , until she started coughing , she couldn't stop so i gave her a bottle of water , she drank it , but she kept coughing , i was worried , until she coughed BLOOD , she went to the bathroom but in her way she fainted , i was panicking , i shacked her a bit but she didn't wake up , i called her name but she didn't wake up , then everyone came and my mom  called the ambulance and i decided to call levi .

-h-hey levi

- what do u want brat 

- u-ur sister coughed b-blood a-and s--she fainted 

- shit not again , WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE 


- y-yes levi . i grabbed my keys and i went to my car i went to the hospital as fast as i can , and went to the hospital , i asked about mikasa ackerman and i went to the room 50 i went to the room as fast as i could i bumped to doc. Dreyse , he was hitch's father . he told me to wait here until they were done , i couldn't get in but i had to keep an eye on him , he was sus , he didn't like me since i rejected his daughter . i sat on the floor shaking , i couldn't think straight, i was looking to the white wall while crying , what did she do to deserve such a thing , after a while my friends came and they sat with me , no one dared to say a thing . and then levi came running , when he got to there , he sat on the chair looking at the white wall ...

• 7 hours  later •

another doctor came out with the name pixis , came out , and he looked at us , i got up , wiped my tears and went to him and i said

- doc how is she . i asked 

- i need her relatives only . he said 

- well i'm her boyfri-

- doc she is my sister , how is she . levi cut me off 

- well u got her just in time , come with me, only 2 people can come in . he said 

- eren and i will come in . levi said with a stone face 

when we got to the room , i saw mikasa siting in the bed , she was pale , i wanted to hug her so badly , but it caught my attention what the doctor was saying 

- well after the analysis , we came to a conclusion that she have a chest infection , but we are not sure , she is fine now but she is not out of the hook , she needs to be take care of .

- when will she be out of here . i asked 

- well u can take her today , after 2 hours 

- alright . levi said 

the doctor left and i went to mikasa, i hugged her and she patted my head , i left her and i saw levi hugging her , he was crying , he kept saying i'm sorry over and over until she said

- it's ok levi , no need to be sorry , it wasn't ur fault

- no miki , i knew it's gonna happen again , but i wasn't a big brother for u , he's gonna pay for this i swear . he said , hold up who is he , i had many questions in my head 

- hey brat , i suppose that my sister told u the truth about our origin . he said

- yeah . i answered 

- there is one thing . he said . meet me outside now . he added . miki rest well alright don't stress ur self

- ok . she answered 


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