Chapter 16

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of course it had to be the duo sasha and connie , they came speed running to me and said 

- how long have u 2 been a thing . sasha said with happiness , i think 

- what are u talking about . i played the innocent 

- stop this shit eren , i saw u KISSING mikasa before she went to her house, so how long have u too been together . she said while getting mad .

- none of ur business braus . i told her

- oh c mon yeager stop being a bitch . connie said while smirking 

- [sigh] tell everyone to come to my house at 3 pm , and i'm going to tell u , don't u dare an SAY what did u 2 saw and i'll buy u some food . i had to tell them i hope that mika will not get mad at me . i left them and i went to my house i was greeted by mom saying

- good morning son , how was ur jog with mikasa

- it was actually , by the way my friends are coming over at 3 pm , is it ok with u 

- it's ok eren

- i'm going to take a shower 


 i went upstairs to take a shower cuz i was sweating like shit , mikasa is like a training machine , she wasn't sweating at all like wtf ...

• 45 min later •

i finished taking the shower , i changed my clothes and i grabbed my lyric notebook to continue writing my song , anyways after some work i was done , FINALLY i was done , well i didn't mentioned it but there is this kind of festival in town that everyone is participating , there is shows and all like u can sing there and all , and it's gonna be due to the next week , and i was done , i just need to practice this , anyways, i went to the music room and grabbed my electric guitar and  i decided to play it and see how it's gonna turns out 

[sneak peak from eren's song 

And you've been filling this hole, since you were born, oh
'Cause you're the reason I believe in fate

after i played the last key and then i could her my mother and brother clapping and my mom was crying , i got up and i hugged her she hugged me back and then zeke joined the hug 

- glad that u found ur passion for music back , son

-thanks mom , by the way what do u think of the song 

- eren please don't lie to me , is it for someone special to u

- yes , i said while blushing 

-and it's for mikasa right

- y-yeah, but please don't tell her it's a surprise 

-damn lover boy 

- shut up zeke , but srsly what do u think of this song

- perfect honey , just perfect 

- thanks mom

after that she hugged me and then my phone was ringing when i saw the ID caller it was mika, it's a face time  , i saw both of my mom and zeke smirking 

- just go talk yo ur love . zeke said while smirking 

- i will bitch . i answered 

i picked up the call and then after some moment we started talking about random shit , and then i decided to tell her about the meeting 

- hey mika

-yes babe . she said that and i started bushing

-well today , connie and sasha saw us kissing so i told everyone to come to my house to tell them that we are a couple , i mean if u want to if u don't i can tell them to -

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