Chapter 29

366 11 25


2 weeks later 

it's been 2 weeks since i visited mika i was busy with studying but today i'm planing to go, today is my b-day and well i'm 18 y.o and mika is still 17 [just imagine that he is older than her ] , i really want to celebrate it with her but that's okay i just want to see her , i'm waiting for the school day to end , i was zoning out in mrs nanaba's  class , after i heard the bell ring , i rushed and i packed my things and i left to my car then i decided to go and get her some flowers , her favorite as usual , after 10 minutes of searching i finally found them i got them then i went to the hospital , i lifted the scarf up and i smelled it , it smell just like her , then after 10 min i arrived to the hospital , but then i bumped into someone he was taking off his doctor's coat [ does it even have a name ] after that i noticed that it was hitch's father , he ran out the hospital after he saw me , well that's weird , then i picked up the flowers cuz he caused them to fall , then i went to the elevator and i waited to get to mika's floor , after some seconds the door opened then i saw some doctors running , then i decided to ask a nurse 

-excuse me can u tell me what's going on 

-oh we don't know what's happening with the girl in the room number 138 . she said . i posed it's mika's room i dropped the flowers then i went running there , i saw a lot of doctors and with them was hange , i saw some tears in her face she looked at me and she said 

-i'm sorry we don't know what happened to her 

-HOW THE FUCK U DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO HER ,U-U-U-UR JOB IS TO KNOW . i said while crying she looked at me then she said 

-eren u need to calm down i'll do my best to save her 

-c-c-can i see her 

-i don't think tha-

i didn't let her continue i just walked away to her room , when i got there i saw blood covering her mouth , nose, ears and eyes , i was frozen , i couldn't handle it , i just went outside the hospital and i started yelling

-WHAT THE FUCK DO U WANT FROM US , FIRST SHE IS IN A COMA AND NOW HER CASE GOT WORSE LEAVE US ALONE LET US BE HAPPY  .  then i fell into my knees and i cried then i felt a presence behind me it was armin , he looked at me with tears in his eyes then he said 

-she will be alright i know that just be alright , for her 

-i-i-i- don't know armin 

-i see u need some time alone 

-yes i'll just go to my car 

-be safe 

-i will 

i went to my car then i cried , i don't want her to leave me ,i don't want to then my phone ringed and it was alexander , i sighed then i answered it 


-hello eren i would like to inform u that the festival will be next week , in sunday 

-alright thx 


i hanged up then i lifted the scarf and i smelled it i cried and cried then my vision started getting blurry and before i knew it i fell asleep 

•1 hour later •

i got up then i remembered mikasa i sighed , then i started my car and i decided to leave to my place , when i got home i saw my mom sitting on the couch , i sat next to then she hugged me without saying a thing , i hugged her back and i cried , she was trying to clm me down but it didn't work , after some time i calmed down then she brought me a bottle of water , after i drank it , i started looking at the coffee table , then my mom said 

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