Chapter 23

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i looked at mika and i said

-mika what's wrong 

-i-it's him ,i-it's h-him . she said with worry 

-who is he 

-t-the o-one t-that kidnapped me . she said while shaking , i hugged her , i was angry i wanted to kill him after thinking i said 

-i swear i will fucking kill him . i said with an angry voice 

-n-no don't l-let's just go home . she said , i looked at her and i saw fear in her eyes, that incident affected her , i calmed a bit then i said

-hey , don't be afraid i'm here for u , let's go home 

-o-okay . she said , we went the car , i looked at her and saw that she was scared , i drove home but she was still panicking i looked at her and i said 

-hey it's ok now i'm here for you , nobody will hurt u 

-t-thank u for being here with me 

-no problem babe , i'll be here no matter what , i'll stay with u until the end 

-thanks . she said with her radiant smile , we were talking about random things until we got home , after we got home we sat on the couch and then mika said 

-so he said that we need a love song 

-oh about the duo 

-yeah , so what kind of instruments are we gonna use

- well maybe we should use the piano and the violin , u know classic 

-yeah good idea , and the lyrics 

-well do u want to work on it now , i mean we still have a lot of time 

-i want to work on it now [sigh] cuz maybe i won't be able to make it , what if i died before 

-hey hey don't say that . i said then i looked at her eyes . ur not gonna die alright we will make it until the end , alright ur gonna survive we will be able to write this song and others , don't say that alright . i said and i gave her a smile , she smiled back then i kissed her and she kissed back , i broke the kiss and i looked at her grey eyes and said 

-i love u mika ur my everything . she blushed at my statement and then she replied 

-i love u too ereh 

and then we decided to work on the song and with my ideas and her's it's gonna be amazing , even if it's my first time writing a duo and it's my 2nd time writing a love song , but with her help we will be able to do it 

• 2 hours later •

it took us 2 hours to finish writing the first part of the lyrics , love songs aren't easy [trust me i write songs and love songs are the worst ] we decided to take a break and have some snacks , and then we decided to tell our friends about what happened , we told them to come to mika's place and were gonna inform them about the festival and all , and we wanted them to be there for us

• 45 min later •

after some time they arrived we greeted them and we sat in the living room until armin said 

-just a question eren , what are u doing in her place . he said with a smirk , i heard some ooooooh from sasha and historia then i said 

-dumbass levi isn't here to take care of her , and she's my girlfriend of course i'll be here for her 

- awwww eren being a sweet boyfriend , how cute . historia said , i heard mika chuckle then i said 

-u got i problem with that historia 

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