Chapter 1

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As I sit here on my couch wondering where my husband is. I look at my watch and see that it is now eleven forty and there is no message or call from my husband. I look around the house and see the pictures of our wedding day and our trip to Hawaii. I see the mess I made making dinner and decide to start cleaning it up.

I walk over to the kitchen. I start up the dishes, get the hot water going. I grab all the dirty dishes and decide to collect all of the dishes in the house. I go through our ranch style house getting plates and cups. While on my way back to the kitchen I see lights in the wall and realize that must be Zach.

I finish up the dishes and put the roast in the fridge with the potatoes and green beans. I had even skipped eating the peach pie I made special just for him. Peach pie is Zach's favorite. I figured that would make him happy. Sense nothing else does these days. He has been spending so much time with the guys from the club lately and it's hard to understand the club. They are almost outlaws but just to the point of breaking the law not enough to get arrested for a long time. I was told you can marry in but never can a woman know club information. They are handy to have around though when you need something done.

When the kitchen was picked up and cleaned to the best I could get it I noticed someone standing outside leaning against the oak tree by the patio. It was Greyson. I can see his tattooed arms in the lights of the patio. He had his long dirty blonde hair tied up in a bun. I can just see his back tattoo out of his white shirt. He's in his faded blue jeans and work boots. Yet he wasn't looking at the house which felt weird, he was turned the other direction looking at the barn. He messes with his ring he wears on his left thumb. I can tell because he does it all the time when he is thinking.

I stand there looking at him for a while and think about what could be going on and where Zach could be. Why is Zach not home yet? Why has he completely disregarded my attempt at a romantic anniversary dinner. He knew and so did the guys so he should have been done in time. The one thing the club understands is that family and home life is extremely important. If the lady of the house is not happy no one can be happy. I open up the door slowly and take a deep breath. I slide my clogs on and slip out onto the patio.

"Grey ?" I say low like a whispered question. I walk over to his side and look out at the barn. I see a light on but in the back of the barn not the front. We renovated the barn for Zach before we got married so he would have a place to hang out with the guys.

"Hey Brooks." He says looking at the ground. He has called me Brooks for years. Sense we were seven.

He never liked calling my Brooklyn and said it sounded too girly for me. That's how long we have known each other. I will never forget my first day of second grade. I walked in knowing I knew no one and he walked up and told me his name and said I'll be your friend and we have been ever since. Him and Zach have been best friends forever. They were neighbors when we were little and joined the club like both of their dads did at sixteen. I can tell there is something wrong but with Greyson I have learned to give him time.

"So how long have you been here?" I ask him knowing already.

"Not long." He scratches his neck and stands up straight. " I was out tonight. I umm... need to tell you something."

I see him take a deep breath and then I decide ok something is wrong with Zach. I start to panic. I wrap my white sweater tight around my chest and push my long curls off my face onto my back so I can see him better. I take a deep breath and grab his hand to calm him.

"Grey? What is going on? Is Zach ok?" I ask him slowly.

"Right this second he is but I'm not sure about later tonight." He says making a face like he is being funny but it still came off like he's being very serious. "I went to Wayne's Bar tonight and when I was coming out I saw Zach with someone. He was with a blonde girl I have never seen before. I drove around all night following him to see why and where he was going."

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