Chapter 13

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I get back to the parking lot after driving in front of Greyson for hours. I couldn't cry another tear. I thought about everything. Everything Greyson said and Zachary. I feel like I can't remember the drive much. I drove in a daze of confusion,heartache and hatred. I hated Zach for giving up. For not telling me who he really was years ago. Most of all I hate myself for not seeing it. I hate that I also gave up on him in a way.

My head officially hurt. I sat in the jeep waiting for Greyson. I didn't realize he already parked when he opened my door. I jumped and started getting my stuff.

"I'll get it Brooks. Just step out." he offered. Which I was grateful for.

"Thanks" I say , waiting. He got every bag and paper I had and we walked home. When I walked into the Apartment Vick ran out of the kitchen and just looked at us confused. She looked at Greyson and he shook his head. No questions were asked. I walked right into my room and fell into bed. I've never been so tired. I can hear Greyson and Vick talking and I could hear her gasp. I knew what was happening without seeing it. Greyson let me sleep for a while and then I felt him wrap an arm around me. He didn't say anything or do anything; he was just there.

I woke up early and got dressed. I got my sandals and walked out the door. I walked down the boardwalk remembering the days when Zach and I used to get ice cream, breakfast and even go to the beach. They were not the best times but they were us. I walked to the beach and sat in what was what Zach called the morning darkness. He used to say that was his favorite time a day before I go up and he could watch me sleep. He used to get more down before sunrise than any other time of day. I missed him but then I really didn't. Which made me so angry. I should miss him more. I watched the gold sky appear and with that came the waves and birds coming to life.

I figured I should check my phone in case Grey was worried. When I turned it back I forgot I had turned it off at the hotel. I see I had a voicemail and four text messages. I see the messages were from Vick and Grey. The phone number was a weird number. I open it and listen.

Brooklyn, I think by now you have seen the papers. I needed to let you go and that was the last thing to do. It was really good to see you today and Greyson just left here now too. I think you will see him soon. Brooklyn I need you to do me a favor babe dont come back. I can't see you again. It hurts too much. I told my nurse to not let you in. I also told her you're my ex wife and I told her to not call you. I don't want to be your burden anymore. I need you ro let me go. I need to be free without regret and if I see you and Greyson I'm going to want to fight. I lived a great life. You were the best part of it all but dont come back. Just know that I will always love you.

It went silent and ended. I was shocked and truly comforted that he was okay in the end. He was okay that I wasn't there. He didn't want me there. I sat there in the sand watching and listening to the world wake up. When I stand up and start walking back home. I walked slowly. I get inside and Greyson walks out of the bedroom.

"Are you okay?" he asks, trying to read my face.

"Yes Grey, I'm okay. I went for a walk." I answered by grabbing a banana and some milk from the fridge.

"What happened?" he asked

"I watched the world wake up for a bit." i answer

"Okay but you were catatonic last night and now your fine?" he explained

"Yeah" I took a bite of my banana. "He called me and left a message."

"He who? Zach?" he asked, now very concerned.

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