Chapter 2

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I woke up by a loud noise outside and realized i passed out on the couch. My whole body shock and I then heard the door. I stand up quickly and start folding the blanket that was placed on me. I don't see Greyson so I figured it was from him.

"Brooks" I hear a deep voice say from the door. "We have the u-haul."

"Thanks. Come on in." I say from the couch still. I had to sit a minute to realize what was going on. Then I feel hands on my shoulders. I turn and see its Patrick. I put my hand on his and smile at him saying thanks. I stand up and walk around the couch to give him a hug. I've only known Patrick for a few years. He moved here at the end of highschool. He joined the club as a way to meet friends and got along with Greyson and Zach so much he became a regular. He squeezes me tight and pulls my hair back to get it out of my face.

"He's an idiot and you have us. Whenever you need us." He said before kissing my head. He gives me one last squeeze and lets go. "Okay couch first?"

"Well actually. What are you going to need at Vicks place?" Greyson says from the kitchen. He's changed his shirt to a gray one but not his paints and his bun is tighter today than yesterday with his sunglasses placed on the back of his neck.

"Clothes, bed and some bathroom stuff.'' I answered him. He looks at me with no expression like that kiss last night didn't happen. Which made me think did it happen or did I dream it? No it had to have happened. It was so real. I decided to ignore it for now since it was not the bigger issue at the moment.

"Ok and it's going to the storage place right?" Patrick asked, walking to the door.

"Yup Im gonna call them now actually." I started for my bedroom where my phone was. I can hear the boys discussing the plan of attack for the process. I figured better they decide then me. I go to my closet and grab all my clothes. I started with my hanging clothes then made my way to my leggings and other bottoms. Everything that was in the three draws I threw in the box I had on the floor next to the clothes. Greyson went through and put an extra box or two in each room at one point last night and said it would be easier then later on.

I grabbed my phone remembering what I was going to do originally. After I got the unit situated. I messaged Tammy back and Victoria as well. I put my phone on the bed and moved on to the clothes again. I grab a pair of pants and slide them on. I grab a bra and a purple tank top and put them on quickly before the boys walk in. I just didn't have the energy to clothes the door.

I placed the hanging clothes on the box of clothes and then grabbed my Vera Bradley small bag from the top of the closet and walked to the bathroom where the box sill was from last night. I grab just the things I use everyday. I get things organized in my bag so I dont hate myself later and then place that on top of my clothes. I grab my charger and computer.

I stand there and look at the room. Remembering when We bought the house Zach and I couldn't keep our hands off each other that we christened the room twice without the bed arriving yet. I remembered putting the pictures up on the wall. Of us from over the years. I wanted black and white pictures with black frames so it wouldn't clash with whatever color I decided on the bedding. What I didn't realize was those photos where all I would be left with in the end. I don't want them now so I left them there to let Zach take them. I took them down and placed them in the closet so the photos of the house dont look bad.

"Brooks?" I hear from the living room. "We should do the bed first so that we can take all these items out and then drop off the bed last."

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