Chapter 8

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Greyson stayed the next few nights. He helped me study and relieve stress at night. He was really good at the second part. I was growing attached and comfortable which was also making me nervous. He had this way of looking at me and I felt my nervousness settle. I was instantly calm. He runs his hand up my back and I feel like I can concentrate again. He knows when I get in my head too much. He puts his hand on my shoulders and gives me a squeeze.

The next few days went by fast and our hike date went well too. I didn't plan too much because I was so stressed out. When we got to the lighthouse Grey wrapped his arms around my back and told me to close my eyes. I felt the wind flow through my hair. It was touching every inch of my body. He whispered in my ear that I had to learn to slow down and take in the moment that I'm in. Not just the moment that is to come. Nothing can be promised. Tomorrow's just a hope. It might not come. Those words made me cry. I realized at that moment how selfish I was at times. How detached I became over the years.

We stayed there for a while and when it got close to dark we started walking back to my jeep. He has taken over my jeep pretty much now. I don't mind though because I enjoyed watching the view.

By Thursday I was ready for my test. Greyson drove me there and waited for me to come out. It wasn't a long test but it was a lot. The worst part is I have to wait to get my results back. So when I was done I was tired and unsatisfied. I walk out to the jeep and see Greyson leaning on Penny's grill. I stop on the sidewalk and lean my head back, dropping my shoulders and taking a deep breath. I see the look on his face wondering what was going through my head. I walk over and rest my head on his chest.

"Well give it time babe." he says rubbing my arms "i'm sure you did great."

"I'm exhausted now." i admit

"Well then let's go back and get ready to destroy the shop." he says "You can sit in the chair and watch me become very exhausted. Sound good?" he says with a smile.

"Yes, that sounds perfect" I smiled back at him. He places a kiss on my forehead and we get in the jeep.

I am now stressing about my test. I go over the questions in my head. I internally start cutting myself down. I feel Grey reach over and place his hand on my leg. I take his hand and he pulls it in for a kiss in true Greyson fashion. He told me that was something his dad did to his mom when she was here.

I started asking more questions about his dad and what happened to his mom one night. After he took a minute to collect his thoughts he spilled every detail. That she died from cancer. One day she was happy and healthy and the next she lost her hair and couldn't eat or even stand up. Then she was just gone. He doesn't remember much about her but remembers them together. They really loved each other and his dad was so patient. Then it was just him and his dad. He taught him how to be in the moment. Don't worry about next week because that does matter now. I have learned to appreciate that. I asked him that night when I got to meet him fully. Not just as a young girl not knowing any better. I wanted to meet him as Greyson Sullivans girlfriend. He told me soon.

His dad was around but was very busy with the club and the military. I asked him about the club and he explained they do outreach stuff and security. They also have very powerful people involved from town. Meaning they owned a lot of businesses and with that comes connections and opportunities. He said that's how he was able to get the new shop. He found out the history and who owns it and talked to him and explained the idea, They liked it and they gave him a very good deal on it. I wasn't allowed to know too much though he informed me. I never saw any of this with Zach. All I knew was that he was at a meeting and I did not ask about it.

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