Chapter 10

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Greyson was enjoying crawling into bed with me every night now. He said it's like living together except he never sees me. Just holds me. He has been so tired that he comes in takes a shower and passed out. One night without even showering. I didn't want to wake him. He looked so peaceful. I made him breakfast every morning and I sent him something to eat while at his dads. I know he feeds him but he always says he doesn't eat much.

On the last night of working, Greyson called me and told me to meet him at the shop. He wanted me to go there right after work and not go home. I was staying away because one he told me to, second I wanted to be surprised with the finished product. I finished up work at six and walked to the shop. I saw the lights on and people inside. I walk in the door and I see his dad and Patrick. They are cleaning up the last few tools they had left.

The walls were painted a tangerine orange at the bottom and it faded to a pastel yellow ot the top. It had driftwood and glass shelves on the walls. The tables Grayson made were drift wood in so many shades of color and shapes, All cut to the same height with glass tops the chairs here are cottage style painted shades from the wall. The huge counter to order at was pieces of driftwood all put together and lights were behind it to brighten it up. He made a wood top that he sanded for days stained and polyurethaned. He had a menu board up and what looked like a t-shirt beside it. The lights were even made of driftwood. The tile floors turned out beautiful. They were a sand color at the door and as you moved to the counter it turned white then three shades of blue. It really looks like ocean. He even said they took out a small tile or two and replaced it with a shell Greyson had encapsulated in resin so you can see the shell but it's a tile. Even the signs were beautiful black and white in an amazing font.

"Wow Grey this is amazing." i said

"Thanks, we did a really great job. I'm really proud of us all '' he said pointing to the guys. "I do have one more thing to show you though. Come with me.'' He led me outside and told me to close my eyes. I stood outside waiting until he moved my hands from my face. I saw the window lit up and it said Brooks Lemonade. I was studying. I really had no idea what to say. " Well, do you like it? If you don't like it, tell me and I can change it, but I love it."

"It's the kindest thing anyone has ever done for me." I am trying to catch my words.

"Well I want you to know how much I love you and appreciate you. I put you through a lot the last weeks and you stood by me and helped me any way you could.'' I say standing behind me wrapping his arms around me. He kisses my cheek. " I love you Brooks and now everyone else will too."

I was stund, speechless. I don't deserve this. I didn't do anything for the shop other than show up twice. I guess I was there for him but I feel like he was more there for me. Is that what a relationship is really about? Is this what boyfriends are supposed to do? I really was stunned by it all.

"Besides you told me to name it something really good and this is the best name I could think of '' he said pointing to the window. We go back inside and Patrick takes the t-shirt off the sign over the counter. "We didn't want to wreck the surprise."

We talked and celebrated for hours. Laughing about things that happened. Who came up with the idea? Vick showed up with wine and beer and everyone was comfortable enough to stay awhile. I think it made for a nice ending to the chaos that was the shop. Now I get him back for life. I missed his conversations. He always made a topic seem so phycological. He would ask me a question as simple as what is your favorite color and when I say green. He would ask why? I would say I just like it. He would say do you like the way it smells? How does it feel? Tastes maybe? Then when I ask what he is talking about he would say for example my favorite color is yellow. I like how it feels on my skin when the sun hits me. I like the way It tastes in the morning in my smoothies. I also like the way it smells from pineapples. It's fascinating how he can make things so simple. I loved him for that.

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