Chapter 5

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I layed in bed the next morning trying to think about what I would wear. I needed to get up and get dressed for work but wasn't feeling it yet. I can hear Vick in the kitchen and then I see my door open. She walks in and plops on my bed.

"Champagne on a Wednesday and a lot of it" she stopped and rubs her head." Not the best idea."

"I agree but I'm not really hurting. I'm more worried about tonight." I admit

"Oh my god that's right. Your date with Greyson the stud." she says now looking at me still holding her head in one hand. "Where are you going?"

"No idea we just said we are going out on a date. Actually he said we don't have to call it a date. So I don't know." I sit up and grab my phone. It's now eight and I have to go to work to open the shop. I have time to relax a bit. Besides, I only have two weeks left of working there. I decided with the girls last night if I was going to college. I really should work with Vick so I can make more money and create a good nest egg for myself. She signed me up last night for my licensing course. She said that it will be hard but not too bad then I will take a test. After that I'm ready.

"Well I like the green dress you bought from your work." Vick says

" That dark green one?" I ask, making sure I know which one she is referring to.

"Yes I think it looks nice on you." she elaborates

"I like that one and that makes sense for both work and our date. You do know it's not a dress right. It's a flowy romper." I say with a smile. "I can wear my white shoes during the day and my brown chunky heels at night. That would work." I put my phone down and lay back on my pillows.

"Girl, it's okay. Just think that it's not really a date and you will be fine." Vick says while getting up and walking to the door. "But seriously get up you will be late."

I get up and get ready for the day getting my hair just right and I put makeup on. I even put my little hoop earring on. I go back to my room and put my outfit on and then put my other shoes in my bag. I get a pair of socks and my white shoes that are simple but go great with this outfit. They also don't kill my feet after a long day. Vick walks in and hands me a mug with coffee in it. I grab my bag and head for the door.

"Thanks, have a good day" I say to Vick.

"Have fun and I want a play by play." she says, taking a bit of her toast.

I head out the door in a rush and make it to work in time to get things situated first. It was a busy day and I talked to Mack at lunch about what my plan was. He wasn't happy but he understood and respected me enough to not beg me to change my mind. I was glad because it was a hard decision I was thinking about for way too long. I cashed out my last customer and decided to change my shoes and fix my hair for my not date. I've been excited and terrified all day. This is such a big thing for me to do. I haven't been on a date in so long. I don't even know if I know how it works now. I'm young but when you get with someone and marry them right out of highschool it's a different life.

Once I was done I put my shoes in my locker and grabbed my bag. I turned the lights off and walked outside slowly and locked the door. It wasn't dark yet but there was a yellow glow in the air. I turned around and I saw Grey talking to someone that I don't know. He has a nice pair of tan shorts on and a light blue shirt. I can tell his hair was freshly shaved around his neck and side. Which means he either got it done for this night or because it was a scheduled thing. I felt a little special thinking it could be for me. I can feel the smile form on my face. From the movements he was making twisting around in his sandals he was giving directions. To where I don't know but it was pleasant to watch. He turned and saw me watching him. With a smile and a point in the direction of the mystery location he started walking at me.

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