Chapter 7

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In the morning Vick pressured me for more details and I was happy to tell her but also a bit embarrassed. I was newly divorced, which is not official yet. I hate that I keep thinking about my past. It's like a constant pull in the back of my mind. I feel I shouldn't be happy, but then I say okay it's alright to be happy. It's not your fault, yet it is because you didn't stay and make it work. It's a roller coaster ride of emotions. Vick understood that about me and pushed me just enough to do what I should do.

I spent the rest of my morning finishing up my course. I scheduled my test and studied with Vick the rest of the day. Vick decided she was going to go get the ingredients for a chicken caesar salad and some wine. She said it was a good excuse to celebrate and she didn't want carbs. I figured anything I didn't have to make or heat was fine with me. I freshen up by taking a shower. I still replay my date with Greyson over and over in my head like a great book. He was so good to me. I missed him honestly. I finished up my shower and wrapped my towel around me. I wondered if he missed me. Or do guys not do that?

I put on a new pair of leggings and a huge hoodie I've had forever that had about a hundred holes. Zach used to tell me I was a slob when I wore it, but I didn't care. It was comfortable. I hear the door open and in comes Vick with a huge bag of groceries and I help her.

"Okay, I found something on my way." she says

"A puppy? I really don't think I can deal with another animal. Peanut is so easy." I say

"No, this one is a house broken." she says

I feel hands wrap around my waste. I turn and see Greys face. The smile on his face was perfect. He plants a kiss on my cheek and nuzzles into my neck. I give him a hug and give him a big kiss.

"What are you doing here?" i ask

"Well I was getting something from the store and Vick came in. She said you were celebrating your course completion. She asked if I was busy. I said no. She invited me to join my favorite person." He says kissing my cheek again. "Congrats."

"Wow you too are so sickening. I think I changed my mind." Vick says drinking her wine. She had already opened it and poured herself a glass.

"So what's the next step again?" he asks

"My test is on Tuesday." i say

"Oh wow that's fast." he notices "So what did you girls plan on doing tonight? Besides eating and drinking."

"Movie and popcorn."Vick says "We can even let you pick the movie."

"Wow that is an honor." he says with a smile still holding my hand and rubbing my thumb. It's just like when he plays with his thumb ring. I love it.

We sit in the kitchen and watch Vick make our food and popcorn. I drink a glass of wine and watch my new life form. I am enjoying this new life. I didn't think I would. We take our food to the living room and Grey picks a movie called Frequency. I was alright with me since it has Dennis Quad in it. He said I would love it. He was very right. When it started getting interesting I heard a knock on the door. I look at Vick and she shrugges.

"I'll get it." I say unfolding from the couch taco Grey and I now are in. I walk to the door and see a familiar face. I stop in my tracks staring at the man I married so long ago. I open the door and he turns around to walk away and then turns back around.

"What are you doing here?"I asked him.

"I was at Waynes down there yesterday and I had someone come up to me. He asked if I was Zachary Miller." He says now crying. "When I told him yes I was never so unhappy being me. At that moment I realized what it was." He rubbed his hands together and then wiped his face.

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