Chapter 14

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After we put in our offer I got worried. It's been a few days now and there has been no update. I felt annoying when I asked Vick for an update almost every hour at work. I listed a few houses and showed a couple of nice houses in the richer area of our county. More doctors lived in that area. It made sense because she is an Obgyn doctor. I even went to the shop to see Greyson at lunch. He was really hoping to know by today. The shop had been so slow. He was going to close up shop and start work on the house.

I finished up my work for the day and closed up. I got my purse and paperwork and headed out to the sun setting. I close my eyes and heal my body of tiredness in the cool fall air on my face. I can smell the fall leaves changing. Sun sets are getting later and later these days. Which means I try to work a bit later. That way I can walk home at that time.

Vick has been seeing someone these days. So she hasn't been around alot. It's been so good to see her happy. She met him at work. He was looking to rent an apartment. Of all the places he rented that apartment Greyson and I once let's say viewed. This made Greyson laugh when I told him. Vick said it's a very sterile feeling, but she will try to change a lot of it for him one day. She said he is a Manager for a bank and he's two years older than her. She even asked if we would go on a double date. Which Greyson was all for, even though they have nothing in common.

By the time I got home I could hear everyone talking. I see Greyson,Vick and her boyfriend Drew standing in the kitchen. Greyson is in nicer clothes than normal. He turns around and looks at me. He had faded blue jeans on with a white cotton button up shirt and he was wearing his boat shoes. He never wears those. This made me a bit nervous.

"Hello beautiful." he says "How about a date night? I got done early and got ready so we can get going fairly quickly."

"Oh okay. I am all for this." I give him a kiss and head off to get ready.

I put on a new red wrap dress. Which I paired with my chunky brown pumps. I fixed my curls taking the frizziness out of them. Adding a fresh layer of mascara, I hear my name from the other room. I walk out and Greyson is playing with his phone by himself in the kitchen.

"Grey" I say "Are you ready?"

"Wow Brooks, you are beautiful." he says looking me up and down. He stands up picking me up and spinning me around. After kissing me a few times he set me back down. "Alright let's go before we never leave."

"Alright, where are we going?" I asked him.

"It's a surprise." he says with a big smile on his face.

We made our way to the truck and he opened my door for me. I slide in and he closes the door. He was almost running to get in his door. Starting up the truck he takes off to wherever he was taking me.

I was excited because Greyson plans the best dates. He took me to a cliff restaurant last month. It had the best view and the best seafood. We have gone on a few hikes just to get out in nature together. One hike ended in way too much laughter. After hours of him making comments about being lost, we ended up lost. My legs were exhausted by the end and he carried me on his back to the jeep.

He places a hand on my leg and I place my hand on his. I look at him and I can see the smile on his face through the lights passing. We drove for a little bit and we ended up at a barn that had a lot of cars in the parking lot.

"Where are we?" I asked him. I was getting more excited.

"There is a live band at this brewery with dancing" he answers me.

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