Chapter 6

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Saturday went by quickly and I got alot done. I did have a ton to do but I wanted to start my course for Vick. She said it would be a lot of work and information. I hate that she was right. I spent all day in bed doing my online course. By seven at night I had to come up for air. I still have more to do but I needed a break. I figured I spend the morning working on more and spend some of Monday doing it as well.

Now it's Sunday and I have until noon to get this session done. All I think about is Greyson. Where is he going to take me? Is it going to be fun? Is it going to be boring yet nice because he is there? I'm starting to think I really am enjoying this whole dating part. He's just so nice to be around and he doesn't just think of himself. He thinks about what I would like too. I hear Vick get up and close the bathroom door and then turn the tv on. She either reads from her phone or plays the news in the background every morning. Sometimes like this morning she turns music on on the tv.

I get up and go to get some water. I see the tv on and her coffee on the counter. I decided on a bagel for breakfast. While I wait for the pop of the toaster I make coffee as well. I cleaned up the mess she made along with mine dancing to Red Hot Chili Peppers playing.

"Morning" I hear Vick say

"Morning, I got hungry." I say pointing to the toaster.

"I bet you have been working hard. You only really came out yesterday at night for food. I'm impressed." she says with a smile on her face. She has curlers in her hair and a cute white flowy top with silver buttons and a dark red pencil skirt. She just did her make up, I can tell, meaning she was going to be working today.

"Are you working today?" I ask her

"Just this morning then i'll be home to relax for the rest of the day. I'm going to take the day off tomorrow too." she answers while taking a sip of her coffee. "You have your date right?"

"Yup I leave at noon not sure what to wear but I'll be dirty when I get home." I say with a look of horror on my face.

"I'm sure it won't be bad. Besides, if it is, you guys will laugh about it for the rest of your lives." she say

"Wow, I think you're going a bit far." I tell her

"I'm just kidding. But I have hoped that maybe I can live through you." She takes her toast and walks back into the bathroom.

By noon I was dressed in black leggings and an older gray tank top and I pulled my hair up into a messy bun. I grabbed old sneakers I have had for way too long and waited for his text. When I got his text I felt like I practically ran to the door. I see him in the window of the entryway and he is in old shorts and a t-shirt. He has a white hat on backwards with a low bun in the back. Why even in nasty clothes is he so good looking? He smiles when he sees me. Waving as if I didn't see him. I wave back. I open the door and he places a kiss on my lips so rushed I could tell he had been waiting to do so for a while.

"Good afternoon" he places another kiss on my cheek "Are you ready?"

"Maybe, what is it?" I ask

"You will like it." he says taking my hand. We walk down to the parking lot and get in his old beat up truck. He has had this truck sense I had Penny. He fixed it up himself. I remember him saying it's not worth getting a new one when an old one will work and be able to take the beating he was most likely going to be giving it. He was right in the end. We drive to the marina launch and he looks at me.

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